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Monday, April 22, 2013

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy should be a special time in a woman’s life filled with joy, happiness and great anticipation for the arrival of a precious son or daughter.  Pregnancy should not be a time battling illness, pain and discomfort.

The chiropractic care provided at Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center provides many benefits to women and their unborn children during pregnancy.  We’ve played an integral part in the health care of hundreds of pregnant women.

Utilizing our safe and effective chiropractic care, nutritional guidance and exercise plans, we help mothers-to-be stay healthy, fit and comfortable during pregnancy and properly prepare them for a smooth and easy birth.

Contact us to schedule an appointment by calling (386) 492-4881!  
We can help you have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy too!

Keeping Spine and Nervous System Healthy During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers undergo dramatic physical changes within their bodies in preparation for carrying a child and giving birth. The spine is one of the primary areas where these changes are felt the most and where a majority of problems start as misalignments in your spine, also known as subluxations.
Healthy pregnancy
Our chiropractors are specially trained physicians who keep the spine and nervous system healthy and free from subluxations.
Most people don’t realize how the spine and nervous system control all parts of the human body. But your developing unborn child certainly does.
When a mother’s egg is fertilized and pregnancy begins, cells start to multiple and divide. The first things these cells create are the brain and spinal cord. From the spinal cord, little branches of nerves begin to spread outward. The combination of the brain, spinal cord and nerves becomes the central nervous system. Once the central nervous system is in place, “buds” will form at the end of nerves. These buds are the beginning of all the vital organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys.

The brain and central nervous system literally are the origin of life and control every cell within the body. These cells form tissue, tissue forms organs and organs form systems. Put all these systems together and a human body is created.
The human brain controls every microscopic cell within the body and the brain communicates with each of the millions of cells via the nervous system. This is how the brain delivers the necessary energy and instructions to every part of your body to make it function.

There are many situations where the energy sent by your brain through your nervous system becomes filtered and distorted. This interference is known as a subluxation.
Bones or joints may become misaligned and nerves can become irritated, pinched, stretched or compressed which all causes inference in the flow of energy from the brain. When this energy is distorted or blocked, a variety of symptoms will surface including pain.

As a baby starts to develop and continues to grow, an expectant mother is experiencing 9 months of increasing stress on her bones, muscles and joints which can create subluxations.
Our chiropractic care keeps mothers-to-be free from subluxations and the pain and discomfort that are caused by these subluxations.

Preventing Common Pregnancy Health Conditions

Pregnancy Back PainDue to the changes a woman’s body experiences, pregnancy is a time where health conditions can quickly develop. We help expectant mothers stay healthy so they avoid such common pregnancy conditions as the following:
Back Aches/Back Pain
Neck Pain
Hip Pain
And More...

Healthy Nutrition and Diet

As outlined above, a healthy spine and nervous system are essential elements of a pleasant, problem-free pregnancy. Another crucial part is proper diet and nutrition.
A mother and her unborn child are dependent upon receiving the correct nutrition for proper development. What mom chooses to eat during pregnancy has an impact on her child receiving the correct nutrition.
At Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we provide our expectant mothers who are patients with important guidance on diet and nutrition during pregnancy so they can make the right food choices for themselves and their baby.

Proper Exercise

Another important element for a pleasant pregnancy is getting the correct amount of exercise.
We work with expectant mothers to develop a customized exercise program that keeps them fit, prepares them for birth and helps them continue to look great after giving birth.

Preparation for Birth

Chiropractic care provides numerous benefits to expectant mothers and increases their probability of having an enjoyable pregnancy. The advantages of following our chiropractic care during pregnancy culminate at the birth of the child.  Our chiropractic care prepares mom and baby for birth. Certain chiropractic techniques relieve stress on the pelvis and uterus which helps the unborn child properly turn and position for a healthy birth.

Webster Technique for Breech Births

Dr. Larry Webster, a chiropractor and founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association developed the Webster Technique as a safe means to restore proper pelvic balance and function. It was developed to restore normal function of the mother and improve her comfort throughout pregnancy in preparation for a safer, easier birth.

Dr. Webster reported that in women who presented with a breech baby, the results of the adjustment appeared to normalize pelvic biomechanics and facilitate optimal fetal positioning.  As Dr. Webster taught other doctors of chiropractic this adjustment, they too reported positive changes in baby positioning.
At Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center we have been utilizing the Webster Technique for many years and have seen the benefits of this technique for preventing breech births and facilitating safe and easy births for our patients.

For more information, please contact our office to see how we can help make your pregnancy a happier and healthier experience!   (386) 492-4881 or visit us on the web at!

Mighty Muscles!

We all have them, but most of the time we pay no attention to them, unless of course we pull them in some way or exercise them too much so they ache a bit! But muscles are essential for movement because:
• They convert energy into the motion, just as a car engine makes your car run.
• Basically, you couldn’t do anything without muscles. For example, muscles in your larynx, mouth and tongue help you to speak, skeletal muscles help you to walk, run, climb, exercise and dance – these are the muscles that control voluntary movements.
• Muscles also help control body movements that you generally never even think about – your breathing, heart beat, facial expressions, food digestion, eye movements, blinking and other involuntary movements.
 Our body has more than 650 muscles, making up more than 40% of our body weight.

Without muscles – you wouldn’t be able to live very long, that’s for sure. Humans have more than 650 muscles, which make up more than 40% of your body weight. Heavy stuff!
How do muscles move? Well, muscles are made up of cells that contract and then relax. These cells use energy from the food you eat to do this, so without food, and the nutrients it provides, your muscles would be too weak to perform as they should.
Can you hurt muscles? Sure, you can and you often hear people say they have “pulled” a muscle, meaning it has been torn, similar to breaking a bone. However, unlike most bones that have to be re-set, muscles are self-healing.
Some fun facts about muscles:
• It really does take more muscles to frown (12) than smile (10)!
• Your eye muscles move more than 100,000 times each day!
• The smallest muscle is in your ear – it’s called the stapedius.
One way to improve the way your muscles work is to exercise! Exercise makes your heart beat faster, sending more blood out to your muscles, giving them the vital oxygen and nutrients they need to work properly. And when you exercise, your digestive system slows down to conserve energy that your muscles need.
But don’t forget muscles only move when commanded by your nervous system—the focus of your chiropractic care. Which is one reason athletes and those who want to be their best seek regular chiropractic care.

For more information, please visit or call our office at (386) 492-4881

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Keeping Kids & Teens Active and Vital with Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors treat children and teenagers for a wide variety of health problems, from back and neck pain to posture imbalances to acute musculoskeletal injuries. Children and adolescents constitute a significant number of patients in chiropractic offices. Because of the family-oriented nature of many chiropractic clinics, chiropractors are in an excellent position to provide appropriate care throughout the lifespan, including during those formative years of childhood and adolescence. 

Back and neck pain are common health complaints among children and adolescents and recent studies have indicated that low back and neck pain is becoming increasingly common in children and adolescents, which suggests an increase in degenerative musculoskeletal conditions in future adults. 

Another study published in the journal Spine notes that the prevalence of low back pain increases sharply in the early teen years and that by the age of 18 (girls) and 20 (boys) over 50 percent experience at least one bout of low back pain. There is a clear role for chiropractic in reducing or preventing back and neck pain in children and teens through targeted treatment approaches and education about the importance of posture and other musculoskeletal health topics.

Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center has experience treating children of all ages for pain-related issues resulting from lack of activity, over-activity leading to injury, poor posture or other musculoskeletal conditions.  If your child is complaining of headaches, back, neck, or other kinds of pain, make an appointment to see the doctors at Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center so they can work with your child to keep him or her active and vital.

(386) 492-4881  or visit us on the web at

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Healing Chronic Shoulder Pain

As we get older, years and decades of mechanical stress may lead to deterioration of joints, ligaments, and tendons. This degenerative process, commonly known as arthritis, primarily affects weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees and those found in the lumbar spine. The shoulder, too, is especially prone to undergo arthritic changes owing to its extreme mobility. The extensive range of motion at the shoulder is built-in to the design of this structure, but the tradeoff is instability. The design of the shoulder sacrifices stability for mobility.

Degenerative disorders of the shoulder typically involve the rotator cuff. This broad, flat structure is composed of the muscle-tendon units of the four rotator cuff muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. The thick covering of the rotator cuff surrounds the head of the arm bone and supports and strengthens the shoulder joint. But owing to the shoulder's inherent instability contrasted with its great mobility, the soft tissues of the rotator cuff undergo repetitive stress and strain. Ultimately, degenerative changes may occur, leading to the two prominent symptoms of pain and restricted range of motion.

An entire orthopedic sub-specialty focuses on treatment of chronic shoulder pain and includes long-term use of anti-inflammatory medication, corticosteroid injections when medications do not provide sufficient relief, and eventually surgery to repair tears in the various rotator cuff tendons. "Revision" surgery is commonly performed when the benefits of prior surgery are exhausted.1

The good news is that in many cases, a more optimal approach is available, one that utilizes the body's own natural recuperative powers. For many people, chronic shoulder pain can be reduced and chronic loss of mobility can be improved by engaging in specific activities and performing specific rehabilitative exercises. The goals of rehabilitation are to increase shoulder range of motion and build up shoulder strength. As these goals are accomplished, the likely result is reduction of intensity and frequency of occurrence of shoulder pain.

Engaging in an overall strength training program is an important general approach to managing chronic shoulder pain.2,3 Strength training should be done progressively, starting with light weights and building up over time. Exercises specific to the shoulder include seated dumbbell or barbell presses, dumbbell or cable lateral raises, seated bent-over rows, and internal and external rotation exercises done with very light dumbbells on a flat bench. If one has experienced an acute shoulder injury, early rehabilitation should precede rehabilitative strength training. Early rehabilitation includes pendulum exercises and finger-walking up a wall in both forward-facing and side positions.

Your chiropractor is experienced in injury rehabilitation and will be able to help you design an effective flexibility and strengthening program for improved shoulder function.
 Chronic injuries require specific rehabilitation and a long-term approach. Patience is required and it is important to recall that the problem has developed over the course of years and will not be fixed in a matter of weeks or months. Progress should be obtained in the short-term, but such situations usually require consistent, ongoing attention to achieve a long-term solution.

Performing the appropriate rehabilitative activities is critically important and chiropractic care can be of great assistance in getting the most out of your exercise program. Regular chiropractic care improves the mobility of your spinal column and removes nerve interference which may cause tight, inflamed muscles. The result is a body that is optimized for good health and full function. By enabling maximum spinal mobility and maximum function of your nerve system, regular chiropractic care helps maximize your body's ability to recover from chronic injury.

Please let us know if we can help you improve your health in any way!

(386) 492-4881 or reach us on the web at

1Keener JD: Revision rotator cuff repair. Clin Sports Med 31(4):713-725, 2012
2Lewis JS: A specific exercise program for patients with subacromial impingement syndrome can improve function and reduce the need for surgery. J Physiother 58(2):127, 2012
3Andersen LL, et al: Effectiveness of small daily amounts of progressive resistance training for frequent neck/shoulder pain: randomised controlled trial. Pain 152(2):440-446, 2011

What's Your Tuba Player?

Your brain and nervous system is the conductor that orchestrates the workings of your entire body. With clear communication, the beautiful music we know as “life” is produced.

But many people have a problem with their tuba player! For some the tuba player could be their thyroid. Or their gall bladder. Or their stomach. Or their lower back. Or whatever.

Their tuba player can’t see the conductor! That causes one of two things. Sometimes the tuba player just sits quietly. Other times, the tuba player goes overboard.

The medical approach would be to surgically remove or chemically suppress the tuba player. The chiropractic approach is to restore the connection between the tuba player and the conductor. Naturally, that involves locating and correcting interference to the controlling commands that travel over the nervous system.

Chiropractic care can bring harmony to your music of life! Call us, and let us help you orchestrate the health and wellness you deserve!

(386) 492-4881 or reach us on the web at or give us a +1 on our Google Plus page!!!

Wanting More From Your Care?

Are you a less or more person?What are you hoping to get from your chiropractic care? Less pain? Less tightness? Or more health? More movement? Or more life?

Many people begin care because they have an ache or a pain they want to silence. In other words, they start out wanting less. As they learn what chiropractic care is (and what it isn’t) they discover it could offer more. More of what they really want. Participating in that discovery is one of the greatest joys of our practice.

Some don’t see the implication between a proactive (more) and a reactive (less) approach to their health. Instead, they prefer to come in only when they have obvious symptoms. No worries. We love them just as much. Everyone shows up at a different place on this journey of self discovery. We’re merely here to serve, whether they want less or more.

Please call us if you have any questions, or have a person in mind you would like to refer to our office!
(386) 492-4881 or on our website at

Monday, March 25, 2013

What Exactly Is Whiplash?

When you think of whiplash, most people immediately think “car accident.” But a fall or many types of repetitive movement may also cause whiplash. Sometimes the symptoms from whiplash take days or even weeks to manifest themselves, but the damage it causes can last for years.

What exactly is whiplash? It’s a condition in which the joints in the back of the neck, joints that usually slide easily over one another, are forced together, causing damage to the nerves, discs, ligaments and muscles all around them.

The symptoms? Generally, these include headaches, dizziness, neck and arm pain, decreased attention span, an inability to focus and fatigue. These symptoms can be both very painful and downright debilitating to the whiplash sufferer.

It helps to come into our practice immediately for a thorough examination if you have been involved in an accident and suspect that you might be the victim of a whiplash injury. The earlier you establish the proper intervention, via chiropractic adjustments, the better your chances for a full recovery.

Of course, chiropractic adjustments also help older whiplash injuries, but recovery is usually slower and care during the acute phase generally takes longer.

We manage whiplash injuries with careful and precise neck adjustments, sometimes ice and rehabilitative exercises that are designed to address the injured neck and shoulder muscles and joints. This has been shown to be very effective in managing the symptoms of whiplash, particularly the headaches that often accompany this type of injury.

Visit for more info!

Spinal Curves, What Do They Mean?

Back pain and sciatica imagesWhen you think of your spine, do you think of a straight row of bones that go from the bottom of your brain to the bottom of your back? In reality, the spine is made up of four different curves that provide balance and flexibility to your body and help prevent injury. These curves also allow the spine to support 10 times more weight than it could if the curves were missing! You can more easily see these curves when you view a model of the spine from a side view.
The four types of spinal curves are:
Cervical Lordosis – A backward “C”-shaped curve located in the upper part of the spine. This curve helps to keep your head from moving too far forward. Neck pain usually results when there is any type of significant loss to this curve.
• Thoracic Kyphosis – The “C”-shaped curve of the upper and mid back, comprised of 12 vertebrae
• Lumbar Lordosis – The five vertebrae of the lower back that are also in the shape of a backward “C.” This area of the spine faces backward when seen from the side.
• Sacral Kyphosis – The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone at the base of the spine, between both hip bones. It is also a “C”-shaped curve.
As a pre-born baby develops, it has only one type of spinal curve, the kyphotic “C”- shaped curve. As an infant’s motor skills begin to develop, the baby learns to hold its head up, sit, crawl, stand up and walk – all causing significant muscle development and allowing more weight to be shifted to the spine. This also begins the development of the additional spinal curves.

It is important that these curves be properly maintained to balance your body and to avoid pain and injury. Proper lifting requires that you bend at the knees, instead of at the waist, to keep your spine from straightening.

Of course, regular chiropractic check ups and adjustments help to maintain your proper spinal curves. In addition, there are specific products, such as cervical pillows, that also help to keep spinal curves in place and keep you out of pain! Call our office for an appointment today!  (386) 492-4881 or

What Color Should Pee Be?

The normal color of urine is a straw-colored, pale yellow. But what does it mean if you experience urine that’s a different color? There are many reasons for changes in urine color – illness, certain foods, supplements, dehydration –all may cause changes in the urine color.

Some reasons for changes in the color of your urine include:

• Red Urine – May be a sign of blood in the urine (requires further investigation as to the cause which may be one of many), eating certain foods, beets, blackberries, food dyes, medications, or a urinary tract infection.

Green Urine – May be caused by eating asparagus or other foods and by artificial coloring in medications or food.

Orange Urine – May be caused by eating rhubarb, laxatives with Senna, bile in urine or dehydration.

• Cloudy Urine – May be caused by a bladder infection, certain kidney conditions, different types of food or drinks, normal vaginal secretions or an abnormal vaginal discharge, kidney stones or prostatitis.

Blue Urine – Generally results from artificial coloring in foods or medications.

Purple Urine – Indicates urine from alien or extraterrestrial origin. (Just joking!)

 • Clear Urine – Often the result of proper hydration and good health.

Whenever you experience urine of a different color that gives you cause for concern, and you are certain that it is not related to eating a particular food or taking medication that is artificially colored, you should seek the counsel of a health care professional to rule out any serious condition or illness that may require further treatment.

In the meantime, be sure to drink plenty of water. Water “flushes” impurities out of your system and keeps your “motor” running! Regular visits to our practice also keep your immune system operating at peak capacity to help you fight off many of the causes of disease.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Fear The Fever!

Most people automatically think that a fever is something bad that should be lowered as quickly as possible.
Not so fast!

It's important to remember that by itself a fever isn't an illness. It's usually a symptom of some underlying problem. Often, it's a natural way the body responds to fight viral and bacterial infections. Rushing in to artificially lower the body's temperature can actually serve to lengthen the time it takes the body to do the needed work.

Most fevers are usually not cause for concern until they reach a temperature of 104° F (40° C) and only then if the fever lasts for three days or longer.  That said, it doesn't mean you should ignore a fever and take a cavalier attitude. A fever means the body is in a battle and has "set the thermostat a bit higher," using temperature to help subdue the enemy. Careful you don't throw open the doors and windows and force it to work even harder. More helpful would be a chiropractic adjustment or two!

Call us today, and let us help you feel the best you have ever felt!
(386) 492-4881

Monday, March 18, 2013

That Spare Tire Around Your Middle Can Be Hazardous to Your Health!

Pot belly. Spare tire. The middle age spread. These are just a few of the endearing names bestowed to the extra layer of fat that accumulates around the abdomen. But aside from the amusing nicknames, this type of fat is a serious danger. Unlike fat that appears on other parts of your body, belly fat increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea and some types of cancer.

Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly fat that rests between your skin and abdominal wall. Visceral fat is the next layer and surrounds your internal organs. Visceral fat is biologically active. It produces an excess of hormones, which increase the risk of insulin resistance - a key factor in type 2 diabetes. This hormonal imbalance puts women at higher risk of breast cancer. And visceral fat boosts inflammation throughout your body. Your chiropractor can tell you how inflammation is closely tied to numerous diseases and health conditions.

Why does belly fat affect so many people? Genetics play a role, so you may see the problem from one generation of a family to the next. Hormone fluctuations in the body can increase fat. After menopause, hormonal changes in women cause fat to gather more in the belly than hips or legs. As you age you lose muscle mass and your metabolism slows, which makes it easier to acquire fat in the abdominal area.

Poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity are also big contributors to this problem. Our increasingly sedentary ways have unleashed an explosion of obesity across North America and other industrialized areas of the world. Our love of unhealthy fatty foods and refined carbohydrates has made it all too easy to surge the waistline well past the appropriate size.

What to do?  In our next issue we will look at ways to combat this through diet and exercise. In the meantime, talk to your Chiropractor about things you can start doing today!
(386) 492-4881

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Your Personal Health Insurance Policy

Everyone is aware of the extremely high cost of most health care services. These costs can be measured not only in cash outlays, but also in time spent at a doctor's office. Waiting times can often be an hour or more for a comprehensive physical examination at a family physician's or internist's office. If you have a problem that requires same-day attention, the waiting time at a local hospital emergency room is open-ended and can easily range into several hours or more.

Those fortunate enough to have health insurance are able to buffer some of the monetary expenses. But even with an individual or family health insurance policy, annual out-of-pocket costs continue to rise steeply as monthly premiums, co-payments, and deductibles increase substantially year-over-year. For example, during the past five years monthly premiums for many policies have increased 15% or more annually. This means that monthly payments in 2013 would be approximately double those paid in 2008. Twice the cost for the same coverage. That's a tough situation. Of course, the fees don't stop at the monthly premium. Many policies have deductibles in the range of $5000 or more.

Thus, if we want to enjoy good financial health as well as good physical health, we might consider getting a "personal" health insurance policy. Such a "policy" requires more effort than that involved in writing a check. Your personal health insurance policy involves taking action in the two main lifestyle areas of diet/nutrition and exercise. A third lifestyle area, often ignored, involves personal well-being. This area includes building increasingly positive family relationships and friendships and developing a broader set of interests beyond one's favorite television stations and websites.
It is now well-established that lifestyle matters greatly to one's long-term health and well-being.1,2 Numerous studies have shown that one in three Americans have one or more chronic diseases - diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The personal and family costs, the financial costs, and the costs to society of chronic disease are high. By establishing habits of good nutrition, regular vigorous exercise, and rewarding relationships and activities, we help prevent these major health problems.3 By engaging in healthy lifestyles, we are taking action that will reap many rewards for ourselves and our families down the years.

The only requirement to begin receiving the benefits of improved health is the willingness to get started. Even if you haven't done any regular exercise for many years, or if you can't remember the last time you ate a serving of broccoli, fennel, or kale, you can still start the journey to better health today. And if you begin, it's very possible that you'll look back after 12 months, 6 months, or even 3 months and be very glad you did.
 Chiropractic Care and Your Personal Health Insurance Policy

When we talk about lifestyle and good health, we usually only consider exercise and nutrition. A third area - rewarding and fulfilling relationships and interests - may be added as an afterthought. But a fourth area - chiropractic care - is in fact the key to gaining the benefits from all the other lifestyle areas and activities.
Chiropractic care focuses on how your body is doing its job. This "job" is to link harmoniously all the various separate physiological activities - to make sure all your body's systems are working well together. The responsibility for this harmony lies with the nerve system, the master system that ties together the functioning of your heart and lungs, your stomach and other digestive organs, your endocrine system, and your immune system. By identifying and correcting misalignments in the spinal column, chiropractic care helps ensure that your nerve system is functioning optimally. When your nerve system is doing its job, the rest of your body has the opportunity to produce the maximum health available. As a result, chiropractic care helps you get the most out of all your other activities and helps you gain and retain good health.

1Thorgeirsson T, Kawachi I: Behavioral Economics: Merging Psychology and Economics for Lifestyle Interventions. Am J Prev Med 44(2):185-189, 2013
2Anderson AS, et al: Promoting changes in diet and physical activity in breast and colorectal cancer screening settings- an unexplored opportunity for endorsing healthy behaviours. Cancer Prev Res 2013 Jan 16 (Epub ahead of print)
3Mitra A, et al: Mechanistic studies of lifestyle interventions in type 2 diabetes. World J Diabetes 3(12):201-207, 2012

Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center is dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives.

Click here or call us at 386-492-4881 today!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't Worry...Be Healthy!

Ever woken up in the middle of the night wondering how you were going to pay the bills? Then you know that a car payment or the electric bill can affect your health!
There are three types of stress: physical, emotional and chemical. Financial worries (and other anxieties) fall into the emotional stress category. And chiropractic can be helpful.

All three types of stress affect your nervous system. Like a chain that breaks at its weakest link, stress tends to show up where we are most vulnerable. Our neck. Our low back. Tightness between our shoulders. Stress can increase the frequency of headaches and compromise our ability to get enough restful sleep.

Chiropractic care, with its purpose of reducing neurological stress, can be helpful. Of course chiropractic care can't eliminate stress, but it can improve your ability to tolerate it. Regular chiropractic care now could be a wise investment for a healthier, happier and financially secure you!

Give us a call, and let us help you take that first step on the road to wellness!!!
 (386) 492-4881

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Exercise Smarter, Not Harder!

We all want to get the most out of the time we spend exercising, and it's natural to think that exercising harder is going to provide a bigger, faster payoff. But exercising harder without adequate preparation often leads to injury. Then there's recovery time, possibly the need for rehabilitation, and ultimately you're back at the beginning in terms of fitness, strength, and endurance. Injuries are to be avoided, if at all possible. The best way to avoid injury is to exercise smarter. Exercising smarter is also the best way to achieve continual, progressive gains in fitness, health, and well-being.

Exercising smarter means doing what you're capable of doing, and then doing a little bit more. For example, if you're a runner and typically run three miles a day, three times a week, it wouldn't be smart to do an eight-mile run the next time you go out. The likely outcome would be a strained muscle, shin splints, or worse. If you lift weights and typically bench press 100 pounds, it wouldn't be smart to find out what it feels like to bench press 150 pounds. What it could feel like is a back, neck, or shoulder injury. In either scenario, the price paid for attempting to train "harder" is at least two weeks of down time, possibly much longer, while you recover from your injury. Of course, we've all made mistakes and sometimes training injuries just happen, but tempting fate by doing too much is not, in fact, "smart."

The goal with any type of exercise is to progress gradually over time.1 For example, if you're 60 years old and haven't exercised for many years, a walking program is a good way to begin. On your first day, walk at a comfortable, steady pace for 10 minutes. That may not feel like much, but you will be increasing your total time over the next four to six weeks. The next day, add a couple of minutes. As long as you're continuing to feel good, add a couple of minutes on every second day or so, building up consistently to a total of 30 minutes per day. At this point, you're walking 30 minutes per day, five times per week. Next, every second day or so, increase your pace by a bit.

Don't increase your pace if you feel uncomfortable or feel as if you're working too hard. Be in tune with what you're doing. After four to six weeks of gradually increasing your pace, you'll probably be able to walk 30 minutes per day, five days a week, at a nice brisk pace.2 You may also notice that you've lost some weight,3 you feel more flexible, you're standing more upright, your skin has a nice, healthy glow, and you're sleeping more soundly and more restfully.

Use the same gradual approach with strength training. Start with lighter weights, not heavier weights, than you think you can use. With lighter weights, you can build up your strength over time. With weights that are too heavy, there's always the danger of incurring an injury that will set you back and interfere with your training. Exercising smarter leads to consistent gains in strength, muscle mass, ability to do physical work, and overall health.

It's natural to want to exercise harder. But exercising smarter is the way to go for long-term benefit without the danger of time-wasting injuries. Exercising smarter is the effective way to maximize the value of our investment in physical fitness.

1Braham R, et al: Can we teach moderate intensity activity? Adult perception of moderate intensity walking. J Sci Med Sport 15(4):322-326, 2012
2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Vital signs: walking among adults - United States, 2005 and 2010. MMWR Morbid Mortal Wkly Rep 61:595-601, 2012
3Exercise training and impaired glucose tolerance in obese humans. McNeilly AM, et al: J Sports Sci 30(8):725-732, 2012

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Snack Trap

We've all heard that snacking is great for the metabolism...but have you taken it too far?
In other words, your excessive snacking may be killing your fitness results.

Let's face it, there are only so many extra calories that the body can take before it adds those on as unwanted fat. Even if you're eating perfectly healthy meals and putting in your time at the gym, if your snacking is out of control then your results will be disappointing.

Here's what you need to know to avoid The Snack Trap:

1) Calories Count. Even when you're snacking on "healthy" food, you've got to keep track of how many calories that you're taking in. Almonds are healthy, but if you down 800 extra calories in them you'll quickly gain weight.

2) Fill Up on Protein & Fat. A lot of well-meaning people are still afraid of fat. They think that if their snack is high in fat then it will end up on their body as fat. This is simply not true. Healthy fat, such as avocado or almonds, is a wonderful thing to snack on as it fills you up and keeps you full longer.

3) Avoid Sugar Calories. Sugar is an awful thing to snack on when weight loss is your goal. Refined sugar is a catalyst for fat storage, so avoid any snack that contains sugar. Remember that eating sugar will satiate your hunger for a very short period of time, and then you'll quickly be hungry again.

4) Don't Be Fooled By 100-Calorie Packs. A popular marketing technique is to package junk food into 100-calorie packs. These could be crackers, cookies, chips...basically any guilty snack food you could think of. The premise is that since you're only eating 100 calories, the snack is healthy. I'm sorry, folks, but eating 100 calories of junk food is not a healthy snack. You are better off avoiding the junk completely and eating something wholesome.

5) Use The 'Is It Real' Test. As a rule of thumb, you should use the "Is it real?" test when deciding if a snack is worth eating. The test goes like this: If your snack can go bad, then it's good for you. If your snack can't go bad, then it's bad for you. The idea is to eat fresh, real foods that are unprocessed and wholesome. These real foods are naturally filled with fiber, vitamins, and minerals and will assist you in achieving your fitness goals.

6) Avoid Refined Carbohydrates. Processed and refined carbohydrates make up the bulk of popular snack foods. Take a look around the snack aisle at the grocery store and you will see that most packaged snacks are made with grains. When your goal is to lose weight and increase lean muscle then eating refined grains will work against you. If you only take one tip away from this article, let it be to remove grain-based snacks from your life. This single change could very well recharge your weight loss.

Now you know how to snack in a healthy way that will not derail your fitness goals.

Remember that exercise plays a huge part in getting in shape and losing weight.

Call or email our office today to get started on a results-driven nutrition program.
(386) 492-4881
5 Fitness Snacks
  1. Hard Boiled Egg and Sliced Veggies.
  2. Sliced Apple and Almond Butter.
  3. Natural, Low Sodium Jerky.
  4. Seasonal Berries with 1/4 cup of Almonds.
  5. A Bag of Homemade Kale Chips. See recipe below.
Guilt-Free Kale Chip Snack
Salty, crunchy snack foods are a weakness for most people. Instead of eating chips or popcorn or crackers, which quickly add up in unwanted pounds, make a batch of these delicious, crunchy kale chips. Kale chips are low in carbs and make a delicious crunchy snack.
Servings: 5

Here's what you need
  • 1 bunch kale, washed and torn, stems discarded
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil
  • dash of salt and pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. In a large bowl mix the kale pieces with all of the ingredients.
  3. Spread evenly on foil-lined baking sheets.
  4. Bake for 12 minutes, watching closely that they do not burn. Remove from oven when crispy.
Nutritional Analysis: 51 calories, 3g fat, 68mg sodium, 5g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, 2g protein

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward this newsletter and subscribe your friends.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Yoga May Improve Common Heart Ailment

The University of Kansas Medical Center recently reported that regular yoga classes appeared to decrease occurrences of a common heart condition known as atrial fibrillation in patients, as well as decreasing stress and improving their overall well-being.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a condition in which the heart's upper chambers quiver chaotically instead of contracting normally. The attacks are painful and often prevent the patients from enjoying regular activities. People with AF are often prescribed drugs such as beta blockers to help control their heart rate and rhythm, but the medicines don't alleviate symptoms for all patients. The American Heart Association estimates that about 2.7 million people in the U.S. have the heart condition.

The new study included 49 people who'd had atrial fibrillation for an average of five years. Researchers began by tracking study volunteers' heart symptoms, blood pressure and heart rate, as well as their anxiety, depression and general quality of life. The participants then went to group yoga classes at least twice a week for three months, again reporting on their symptoms and quality of life. All of the patients were on stable medications throughout the study period. The patients reported a 50 percent drop of AF occurrences, which was also confirmed by heart monitors. Anxiety scores declined from an average of 34, on a scale of 20 to 80, to 25 after three months of yoga. Reported depression and general mental health improved as well. The researchers pointed out that the classes may make their arrhythmia "more tolerable" and reduce visits to the emergency room when symptoms flare up. However, the classes were not suggested as an alternative to regular medical care.

Source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2013. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2012.11.060

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Problem With Stress!

We live in stressful times. The economy is tough, global conflicts rage, severe weather events are affecting people in every corner of the globe, and our numerous technological devices don't seem to be making things any easier. Of course, this is nothing new. Every generation thinks theirs is the best of times and the worst of times. But the result is that people everywhere have high levels of stress.

Sometimes stress is a good thing. Mechanical stress, such as exercise, causes your muscles and bones to become stronger and your nerve system to become smarter. Taking on a new assignment at work or taking a challenging class in school may be stressful, but the effort involved in achieving a successful result will cause you to grow and develop in ways that you might not have imagined. After all, the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

But chronic, ongoing physical and mental stress, the kind that affects us every day, is not good for us. Chronic stress causes real psychological and physical problems. People undergoing chronic stress may develop anxiety, which if not managed effectively may lead to depression. Chronic stress may lead to a variety of disorders and diseases, including arthritis, inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease, gastrointestinal problems such as peptic ulcer, diabetes,1 high blood pressure,2 and even heart attacks and stroke.3 As we are all subject to numerous stresses every day, both personal and work-related, it's very important for us to develop strategies that will be successful in helping us manage ongoing stresses.

The most important method for managing stress is to attempt to focus your point-of-view, your frame of reference, on the present moment. Our minds are constantly in motion, constantly at work creating new thoughts and new scenarios regarding some potentially stressful situation, or rehashing old conversations, old conflicts, and old problems. The result is that we're almost never at peace. When we try to sit down and relax for a bit, it's never too long before our minds start bringing up the exact things we'd like to be able to forget or ignore, at least for a little while. Most of us can't flip a metaphorical switch and shut off our incessant stream of mostly negative self-talk. But we can learn to remind ourselves to return to the present, to come back to this moment, the one that's happening now.

The best way to do this is to ask yourself, "is this [what I'm thinking about] happening right now?" If you can see that what's happening now is that you're sitting in a chair reading the newspaper, you have a good chance of being able to let go of what your mind is talking to you about. Say to yourself, "I'm right here, right now, and none of that other stuff is actually happening right now." This will help you create some distance from your self-talk, and the self-talk may even recede into the background for a while. The feeling of calm you might then experience is one you can build on. The more you practice returning to the moment, the more power you gain in being able to manage the stress in your life.
 Our office uses various techniques and methods to restore proper spinal alignment. The direct result is improved functioning of your nerve system, which directly improves the functioning of all your other body systems.

One of the structural problems addressed by chiropractic care is a "facilitated segment." This is a section of your spinal cord that is being bombarded by too many nerve signals. These nerve signals arrive at the wrong times and in too great a quantity. Physical pain and other diseases and disorders can develop as a result of a facilitated segment.

Stress makes facilitated segments (and their effects) worse. By aligning your spine, we can help reduce and resolve these irritated segments of your spinal cord. As a result, the stresses in your life have less physiological impact. You become better able to interact with people and situations, and become better able to manage stress.

Look for our upcoming Wellness Workshop on Stress Management to learn strategies for better dealing with stress.

1Bener A, et al: Association between psychological distress and gastrointestinal symptoms in diabetes mellitus. World J Diabetes 3(6):123-129, 2012
2van Dijk, AE, et al: The association between prenatal psychosocial stress and blood pressure in the child at age 5-7 years. PLoS One 7(8):e43548, 2012
3Pereira VH, et al: Stressed brain, diseased heart: A review on the pathophysiologic mechanisms of neurocardiology. Int J Cardiol 2012 Apr 20 [Epub ahead of print]
chiropractic, health, wellness, nutrition, stress, pain, alignment, problems, stress management, nerve, spinal cord, spine

Friday, January 18, 2013

Get in the Car... Right!

Sciatica and back painDid you know that there is a proper way to get in and out of your car? Well, believe it or not, there is, and it is especially important that seniors and those who have arthritis practice these simple maneuvers to enter and exit a car safely.
• Swivel in and out – Enter the car backwards and then swing your legs into the car in front of your seat. Reverse this order to get out of the car.
 • Use the handles on the inside of the car – Generally located over the door or on the side of the door, holding on to these handles as you enter or exit the car helps you maintain your balance and gives you some leverage with which to raise and lower your body into or out of the seat.

• Use running boards – Most SUVs and trucks come with side running boards that you can step up on to get into the car. If your car is high, and you have difficulty “climbing” into your seat, think about installing them if your vehicle did not come with them.

• Use a plastic bag to cover the seat – This is an easy and rather inexpensive way to “slide” in and out of the car if you usually have difficulty. The bag slides with you!
It is important that you give yourself enough time to get to your car if you have a condition that is aggravated by getting in and out of your car. When you are in a rush, you tend to compromise your safety, which may lead to further aggravating an already painful condition.

Keep in mind too that chiropractic care keeps your nervous system running the way it is intended to and that regular adjustments often relieve the pain associated with arthritic conditions, making a ride in the car a real joyride!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Causes and Treatment Options for Muscle Cramps

A muscle cramp can bring a jogger to his knees or elicit the fear of drowning in a swimmer; however, athletes are not the only individuals to experience a muscle cramp or spasm. According to one estimate, approximately 95 percent of people will at some time in life experience the sudden, sharp pain associated with a muscle cramp.

A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle, part of a muscle, or several muscles that usually act together. If the spasm is forceful and sustained, it becomes a cramp. Most people describe a muscle cramp as a feeling of tightness in the muscle; it’s not unusual to feel a lump of hard muscle tissue underneath the skin in the vicinity of the cramp. During a spasm or cramp, it may be painful, or even difficult, to use the affected muscle or muscle group.

Cramps and spasms can affect any muscle, even those affiliated with the body’s various organs; however, they are most common in the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Cramps in the feet, hands, arms, and lower back occur frequently, as well.

Many possible causes
Common as they are and painful as they can be, a shroud of mystery surrounds the cause of muscle spasms and cramps. Some researchers believe that inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue lead to cramps. According to the University of Michigan, other possible factors include a low level of fitness, overexertion (especially in intense heat), stress, and depletion of electrolytes through excess sweating or dehydration. Certain diuretic medications can also cause cramping due to a loss of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Treatment of muscle spasms
Typically, muscle cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching; medicines are not generally needed to treat an ordinary muscle cramp. Gentle and gradual stretching, along with massage, may ease the pain and hasten recovery.

When a muscle spasm or cramp is the result of an injury, applying ice packs for the first two to three days may help alleviate the pain. Spasms that last a long time may be treated with moist heat for 20 minutes several times a day.

If you tend to get muscle cramps during exercise, make sure you drink enough fluids, and, after your workout, consider a warm Epsom salt bath followed by stretching of the affected muscles. Generally speaking, water is sufficient for rehydration; however, some may find a sports drink or juice beneficial as a means to restore their body’s electrolyte balance.

If your muscle cramps are associated with a specific medical condition, keep in mind that you need to address the underlying health problem for the cramps to subside.

Tips for Prevention
As with any health condition, it is always best to prevent muscle cramps or spasms—especially if you tend to develop them. Consider altering your diet and lifestyle by incorporating the following suggestions:
  • Take steps to improve your diet. Eliminate sugar and caffeine from the diet, and increase consumption of fiber and protein. In addition, remember to eat plenty of calcium- and magnesium- rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, yogurt, legumes, whole grains, tofu, and Brazil nuts. High-potassium foods, including bananas, avocados, lima beans, and fish, may also be helpful.
  • Before and after you exercise, stretch muscle groups that tend to cramp.
  • Incorporate strengthening exercises into your fitness routine.
  • Avoid dehydration. To prevent dehydration, consume plenty of fluids and foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid excess sodium and soda (high in phosphoric acid), as they can leach calcium.
  • Avoid chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol, which can interfere with magnesium absorption.
  • Improve your posture. For example, you may have mid-back spasms after sitting at a computer desk for too long in an awkward position.
Vitamin E has been said to help minimize cramp occurrence. Although scientific studies documenting this effect are lacking, anecdotal reports are common and fairly enthusiastic. Since vitamin E is thought to have other beneficial health effects and is not toxic in usual doses, taking 400 units of vitamin E daily could be considered.

Discuss with your doctor of chiropractic if your cramps are severe, happen frequently, respond poorly to simple treatments, or are not related to obvious causes like strenuous exercise. These could indicate a possible problem with circulation, nerves, metabolism, hormones, medications, and/or nutrition.

If you have any questions on this or any other condition, please contact our office at (386) 492-4881, and please visit our website at!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season is in full swing and this year its turning out to be one of the worst seasons on record.
What's the best way to fight or prevent colds and flu?
A Healthy Immune System!
Each year, more than $1 billion is spent on over-the-counter cold and flu medications, but these products do not attack the viruses that cause a cold or the flu. They only alleviate some of the symptoms and usually bring with them side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation and insomnia.
A strong immune system is the way to attack or prevent colds and flu. Chiropractic care plays a major role in optimizing the health of your immune system.
We just added a new page to our website that explains colds and flu in more detail along with why our chiropractic care will help with colds or the flu. Please take a minute to visit by clicking on the following link:
If you or a family member is battling a cold or the flu or if you would like to help prevent catching a cold or the flu by improving the health of your immune system, please contact us by calling (386) 492-4881 to schedule an appointment, and please visit our website anytime.

Yours in Health and Wellness,
The Team at Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Monday, January 7, 2013

Proprioception - Making Your Body Smarter

We usually don't think of our bodies in terms of their being "smart." For example, we walk to the corner store without giving a single thought to the complex mechanics involved in getting there and back. But behind the scenes there's plenty going on and your body's "IQ" has a lot to do with your success in accomplishing everyday tasks.

Proprioception is one of those background physical processes that make up your body's total IQ. Proprioceptors are specialized nerve endings located in your muscles and joints that inform your brain about your body's position in three-dimensional space. You're able to write legibly because proprioceptors are sending instantaneous data about the angles of the small joints of your fingers and wrists as your pen moves across the page. You're able to run on the beach because proprioceptors are continuously sending signals to your brain about the changing shape of the uneven surface of the sand.1

Without these specialized nerve endings, we'd never be able to hit a baseball, throw a Frisbee, or drive a car. But proprioceptors can be smart or less than that. It all depends on how well-trained they are. One person out for a stroll might trip over a crack in the pavement and suffer a badly sprained ankle. Another person might trip over the same crack, even badly turning over their ankle in the process, and keep on walking without even a trace of a limp.

The difference between injury and non-injury is the level of proprioceptor training, and this level usually is related to whether you're doing regular exercise.2 Exercise trains your muscles and joints to adapt to varying kinds of stresses (weight-bearing loads) throughout a variety of positions (the full range of motion of those joints). As a result, trained proprioceptors can withstand a high degree of stress (such as a sudden twisting of an ankle). The untrained ankle, possibly the ankle of a person who hasn't done much walking, running, or bike riding in the last 5 years, will be damaged by an unusual and unexpected stress. The result is an ankle sprain of varying severity and possibly a broken ankle.

Similarly, it is well known that older adults experience more frequent falls than do younger adults. Part of the explanation involves proprioception.3 Many older adults don't engage in regular exercise. Proprioceptive function decreases, changes in level or surface aren't recognized quickly by the person's feet and ankles, and the person falls.

It's easy to see that the effort to maintain your body's IQ is time very well spent. The fastest way to boost this skill set is by doing regular exercise. All kinds of exercise provide benefit, so the best exercises are the ones that have some interest for you personally. Optimally, a person is doing both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. As always, the key to long-term health and wellness is consistency.
 Chiropractic Care Helps Your Body Be Smarter

Your body's awareness of where it is in three dimensions is critical to your ability to function effectively in the world. This awareness depends on proprioceptors. These specialized nerve endings are part of your nervous system - your body's master system.

Nerve signals are transmitted from proprioceptors in joints and muscles, along nerve pathways, to spinal nerves. Spinal nerves connect to the spinal cord, and from there signals are transmitted to the brain. But spinal nerves are a potential bottleneck to the free flow of information. These nerves may become irritated or inflamed, blocking accurate information from reaching the brain and accurate instructions from reaching the rest of the body.

Chiropractic care helps keep your body free of nerve interference. By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic care helps remove nerve interference and ensures a free flow of information from the brain, to the spinal cord, to all the body's cells, and back again. Optimal health and well-being are the result.

Please visit us at for more information on how chiropractic can help you!

1Wong JD, et al: Can proprioceptive training improve motor learning? J Neurophysiol 2012 Sep 12 [Epub ahead of print]
2Ferreira ML, et al: Physical activity improves strength, balance and endurance in adults aged 40-65 years: a systematic review. J Physiother 58(3):145-156, 2012
3Howe TE, et al: Exercise for improving balance in older people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev  2011 Nov 9(11):CD004963.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Save Money on Your Health Care Costs

How Do We Control Health Care Costs?

Save Money on Health Care CostAs we all know, health care costs in the United States continue to increase at staggering rates. The expense of health care insurance premiums and the amount of deductibles goes up, while the amount of coverage and benefits goes down.
Recent changes to national health care laws have both employers and employees uneasy about how much more health care costs are going to rise.  For many, the costs have reached such lofty heights, they simple cannot afford it, whether they are forced to obtain health care coverage or not.



The Reason People Are Coming to Us Is Changing

For years, people have been seeking our chiropractic care as an alternative to traditional medicine after their medical care failed to resolve their health problem. After months or even years of having to endure the pain and discomfort of trial and error treatments along with a variety of different medications or surgery, people turned to us for answers. They grew tired of living with the same health problem day after day, taking expensive prescription drugs that caused all types of side effects and watching their medical bills grow.

Today, individuals and families are coming to our chiropractic clinics not only for solutions when traditional medical care has failed, but to make us their primary health care provider. They simply cannot afford traditional medical care and turned to our chiropractic care for its affordability.
While they may have came to us due to our affordability, these patients are finding they are healthier and do not get sick as often with common illnesses likes colds and flu as a result of our routine care.

The Cost of Chronic Pain

A study by Johns Hopkins University reports the annual cost of chronic pain in the U.S. is approximately $635 Billion.

How do we drastically reduce this out-of-control cost?
We believe the answer lies with chiropractic care. We focus on wellness and optimizing the human body to prevent injuries and illnesses that cause pain. Our patients who receive regular chiropractic care and follow our lifestyle guidance are simple not getting injured and sick as frequently. Therefore, they do not have to endure excessive pain. If they do become injured or sick, we help them recover quickly without the need for expensive prescription medications.

The Astonishing Cost of Back Pain

back painA study by the University of Washington published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports spending on back pain in the U.S. exceeds $86 Billion each year.  The study shows medical costs associated with back pain have risen 65% in the past decade, primarily as a result of prescribing more medications, increased use of expensive diagnostics tests like MRI’s and more surgeries.  A significant portion of this huge increase is the medications being prescribed for back pain. Pharmaceutical spending for back pain increased 171% during the last ten years alone.
What’s even more astonishing than the huge increase in back pain related costs is the finding in the study that people with spine problems actually felt worse!
What’s the solution for treating back pain and reducing the associated costs? Based on our experience treating thousands of patients with back pain, we believe the answer lies clearly with chiropractic care.

It’s Time to Look at Chiropractic Care as the First Option

A wide variety of research studies like the ones highlighted above show the overwhelming costs of health care today. Aside from these studies, we all feel the pain of escalating health care costs on our monthly living expenses and budgets. The traditional medical health care model has reached a point where it has priced itself out of reality. The majority of people are struggling to keep up with out-of-control health care insurance coverage and health care related expenses or they simply cannot afford health coverage and are doing without it.
It’s clear the time has come to find a better way to approach health and receive affordable health care that enables you to enjoy your life. The answer can be found in routine chiropractic care.

See How Our Chiropractic Care Can Save You Money

It’s difficult to change and many people are skeptical of chiropractic care. An alternative to traditional medical care that does not involve taking prescription medications is a little hard to swallow for many.

Education, information and interaction will help calm your fears and answer your questions. You have an opportunity each month to obtain the necessary education, receive answers to your questions and interact with the physicians at Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center by attending our monthly Half Hour to Health wellness workshops.
To RSVP for these free events, simply call (386) 492-4881!

Take control of your future health and health care costs. Learn how our chiropractic care will save you and your family money.  Please visit our website to learn more, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your health or the health of your family.