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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Enzyme Appreciation

Enzymes are substances that perform two specific functions–they can either start chemical processes or they make them perform more quickly. Every cell in living plants and animals contains enzymes that are responsible for the very functions that keep them alive.
If enzymes are so important to keeping us alive, how come so few people know about them or how they function? Consider this fact: Enzymes are required to perform every single chemical reaction that occurs in your body. If it weren't for enzymes, none of the vitamins, minerals, or hormones in your body could work properly. Seems then there is quite a bit we ought to know about them and what they need to work well!

Let’s look at digestion for instance. Digestion couldn't take place without enzymes. From the time food enters your mouth, enzymes both in the food and in your body are working to break it down into smaller particles so they can be absorbed properly. Raw foods contain lots of enzymes that are necessary for digestion; these are released when these foods are chewed.

Unfortunately, many of the enzymes in food are destroyed by the ways in which they are prepared and processed. Enzymes are destroyed in temperatures higher than 118° F (48° C) and some are destroyed in temperatures as low as 105° F (41° C), so most can't even survive light steaming – a way of preparing food that most people erroneously believe fully preserves the nutritional value of food!

What happens when the enzymes in food are destroyed and the only enzymes at work in your body are those that are made there? Digestive disorders, compromised immunity, allergic reactions, skin problems and mood swings can occur. Eating enzyme-deficient foods also taxes your pancreas and other organs, overworking and ultimately wearing them out. Since your body needs both kinds of enzymes, when only one kind is present, it suffers.

One way to address this problem is through juicing. In fact, juicing is one of the best ways to ingest raw foods as part of your diet. In a world where "fast food" has taken a firm hold on our eating habits, juicing vegetables provides a great way to obtain the enzymes you need to ward off diseases that can rob you of your health and energy.

Understanding that enzymes can also help to heal chronic health problems which often seem to defy medical solutions is important as well. Getting regular chiropractic examinations and adjustments are also an important part of keeping your immune system functioning properly as part of living a healthy lifestyle. When we work together to give our bodies the food and care needed to stay healthy – we all benefit!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why People Come To Our Office

People have been coming to Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center as an alternative to traditional medicine when that medical care failed to resolve their health problem.
After months or even years of having to endure the pain, discomfort and inconvenience of trial and error treatments along with a variety of different medications and/or surgery, people turned to us for answers. They were tired of living with the same health problems day after day. They had enough of expensive prescription medications that caused all types of side effects and they became discouraged with the mountain of medical bills. 
Today, individuals and families are coming to our clinic not only for solutions when traditional medical care fails, but to make us their primary health care provider. They simply cannot afford traditional medical care and turned to our chiropractic care for its affordability. 
While they may have come to us due to our affordability, these patients are finding they are healthier and do not get sick as often.
If you or someone you know has become disheartened with their traditional medical care or is looking for ways to save money on their health care, please give us a call at (386) 492-4881 
Yours Truly In Health and Wellness,
The Team at Atlantic Chiropractic and Wellness Center
P.S. - Please do someone a big favor and share this blog post with a friend, family member or co-worker. It may provide them an answer they have been searching for.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Routine Maintenance

The problem with lifestyle-caused diseases is that the damage happens slowly, often without even a hint of a symptom.

We see this all the time. When the symptoms finally show up and we get the call, the most common refrain is, 'But I didn't do anything.' Sure, bending down to pick up the newspaper shouldn't reduce a grown man to tears. But the countless years of ignoring the nagging aches and pains did the damage. Bending over was merely the last straw.

Ironically, the same people who subscribe to the "don't-fix-it-if-it's-not-broken" philosophy will fuss over their lawns, baby their car with fresh oil and filter and religiously replace their smoke detector batteries. So, why is a simple, "Honey, I think you should go in for a checkup" met with a determined and unexplainable resistance!  We don't wait until our cars are on fire to change the oil, and we should not wait for a major problem to arise in our health before we do something about it.  Let's all make an effort to be proactive in our health!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Your Waste Removal System

The body’s lymphatic system is connected to every other organ, yet few people pay much attention to it unless something goes terribly wrong with it – then it becomes a real cause for concern.
What is the lymphatic system and why is it so important? Just as the cardiovascular system carries oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body through blood pumped from the heart, the lymphatic system, made up of your lymph vessels and nodes, tonsils, adenoids, appendix, spleen, and thymus gland, is the body's "rubbish collector" that filters out toxins, waste and other debris at the cellular level. If the flow of lymph fluid is blocked in any way, the fluid becomes thick and toxic.

One of the best ways to keep the lymph fluid moving properly through the body is to exercise. Physical movement helps the lymph system to keep from becoming “sluggish.” A sluggish lymphatic system may cause illness, pain and disease, including heart disease, sinusitis, viral/bacterial infections, fatigue, loss of energy, eczema, and even cancer.

In today’s world, many people have become sedentary. Because there is no lymphatic “pump,” like the heart, the lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions, the result of movement and exercise, to push the lymphatic fluid throughout the body. Any exercise that incorporates major muscle groups and deep breathing assists lymph flow.

Walking, jumping on a small trampoline (rebounder), running, swimming or any type of aerobic exercise helps contract muscles and increase lymph circulation.

Here’s an exercise that you can do almost anywhere to stimulate lymph flow in the chest and underarm area:

Stand in a relaxed position with your feet close together. Hold your arms out to the side, palms down, parallel to the floor. Rotate arms in small circles; forward 10 times, then backwards 10 times. Repeat, rotating in medium size circles and then again in large circles. Do this two to three times several times during the day.

Take care of your lymphatic system, and it will take care of you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

No More Ear Aches!

Children's health issues image.The constant crying and sleepless nights take as much of a toll on the parents as they do on the child. Ear infections (acute otitis media) are one of the top reasons for pediatrician appointments and about 50% of all children experience their first one before they even reach their first birthday!
The symptoms of ear infection may include pain, fever, irritability, and loss of appetite. Pulling on the ear or shaking their head is usually a sign that your child has ear pain.

Sometimes the pressure causing the pain in the middle ear builds to a point where the eardrum bursts, and blood and pus are discharged from the ear, giving you real cause for concern. Relax, generally you child will feel better once this has occurred and the hole in the ear allows any remaining fluid to drain.

Many pediatricians treat ear infections with a round of antibiotics. Chronic ear infections? The doctor will usually recommend insertion of ear tubes to “keep everything working properly.”
Research over the past decade or so, however, shows that a conservative approach is often the best response. In fact, recurrent ear infections often result from medication given to your child for the first ear infection, including chidren's pain relievers and decongestants!

Some believe that allergies, particularly to dairy products which increase mucous production, may cause chronic ear infections. Once removed from your child’s diet, the incidence of ear infections may drop significantly. Breastfeeding, particularly during the first few months of life, is associated with fewer ear infections in babies; it also gives added protection against other types of infection.

Many parents have discovered that chiropractic care not only relieves ear infections but can help prevent them. One study found that 93 percent of all childhood ear infections improved with chiropractic care. Seventy-five percent of the cases showed improvement in less than 10 days while 43 percent improved with only an adjustment or two! All this without drugs or surgery! Do you have - or know - a child we could help?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays can be a tricky time if you want to avoid holiday weight gain. There are so many tempting treats, you need to be proactive to stick to good eating habits.   That means having a battle plan:

At work, where the parade of chocolate, cakes and cookies seems endless, tell yourself: “If I’m going to eat something, it really needs to be fabulous and worth the splurge.” “Flavanol-rich dark chocolate is one of the healthier choices," says Jamieson-Petonic. "Research shows it may help to control blood pressure and protect the heart."

Before the party: “When you're hungry and your blood sugar is low, you start to crave foods that are carb-rich and fatty, which can contribute to weight gain. A good defense is to have a small snack of carbs and protein before leaving home. Try apple slices with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or a few crackers with low-fat cheese.”
At the appetizer table, be conservative: “Avoid anything deep-fried, creamy or saucy, since these foods tend to be loaded with fat and calories; for example, cheese balls, pigs in a blanket and mini quiches. Opt for appetizers that appear closer to their natural state, such as veggies with herbs, shrimp cocktail, fresh fruit, grilled chicken skewers with a sweet and sour sauce, which is lower in fat and calories than a cream sauce, and grilled shrimp with cocktail sauce.”

At mealtime, choose an entrée you really want, and savor a small portion of it. Another tip: Instead of a large dinner plate, use a small, appetizer-size one (shoot for a diameter of six inches) to control your portions. Fill half of the plate with fruits and veggies, a quarter with protein, such as fish, poultry or meat, and a quarter with carbs, such as brown rice or whole grain pasta.

For dessert, put a small bit of cake or pie in a wine glass; if the dessert has a crust (for example, pumpkin pie), leave the crust behind. Not only will your dessert look pretty, you’ll cut down on your portion size and the calories you consume. It also helps to cut back on your calories and fat earlier in the day, so you can enjoy dessert now.
Along with the holiday eating, engage in plenty of physical activities to burn off extra calories: make a snowman with the kids, go out caroling, play a game of table tennis, dance and volunteer. If possible, walk to your holiday parties.

Finally, remember the real joy of the season is spending time with friends and family, not food. When you focus on your loved ones, you’ll be happier, not plumper!

Monday, November 12, 2012


How do you know whether your pain needs to be evaluated by your chiropractor? This is the age-old question. The answer needs to be specific to your particular problem, rather than a one-size-fits all solution. But there are good guidelines that everyone can follow.

First, is your pain deep and boring (that is, does the pain feel like it's boring into you)? Deep and boring pain usually means something is seriously wrong. If you're woken up at night by this type of pain, a visit to your chiropractor or family physician is in order. Kidney stones and inflamed gallbladders are common causes for deep, boring pain that causes a person to awaken from sleep. Severe heartburn is in this category, too, and should be evaluated by your doctor.

But these types of problems are easy to categorize. You'll probably know, instinctively, that something is wrong. Musculoskeletal pain is rather more difficult to analyze. For example, you lean over in a twisting motion to grab the glass of water on your nightstand and you feel a sharp pain in your lower back. Next morning you have great difficulty getting out of bed. Your lower back is stiff and sore. What should you do?1,2

Your best course of action will be based on a self-assessment. If you're experiencing pain that radiates down your leg, or numbness or tingling sensations traveling down your leg, you should call your chiropractor's office and ask to be seen right away. Or, if you don't have any radiating pain, but sneezing or coughing does provoke a radiating sensation, take the same action. Similarly, the amount of pain you're having will determine what you do. If the pain is severe, see your chiropractor.

If none of these criteria are present, decision-making gets a bit murky. How you handle your problem will depend on your tolerance for pain. If you have low tolerance, make an appointment to see your chiropractor and get some expert treatment. If you have a higher pain threshold, you might still call for an appointment just to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong. Certainly, if you haven't improved at all after 48 hours, you need to see your chiropractor.

There is another important scenario. If you have a medical condition such as cancer, an endocrine disorder, or a systemic infection, a sudden occurrence of back pain needs immediate attention, regardless of how or why you think the pain occurred.3 This is not to be an alarmist, but rather the recommendation is based on precaution. If there is an existing problem, then new issues need to be looked at closely, just to be sure.

These guidelines provide a sound basis for decision-making, but please remember they are just that - guidelines. Each person needs to be comfortable with their own process. And, of course, it's always much better to be safe than sorry. Your chiropractor is always available to help you sort out these kinds of problems.
 In the field of medicine, the term pain management is code for drugs and intraspinal steroid injections. Pain management drugs are almost always opioids such as Vicodin, OxyContin, and morphine. Intraspinal steroid injections are at best a temporary fix, are often based on best guesses, and can have devastating side effects if done incorrectly.

On the other hand, chiropractic pain management always uses conservative methods of care. Chiropractic care does not introduce foreign substances or instruments into the body. The power of chiropractic care lies in its ability to facilitate the body's own healing mechanisms. In essence, based on a systematic analysis of the person's biomechanics and physiology, chiropractic care removes roadblocks to normal functioning of the nerve system. When the nerve systems pathways are free and clear, the body can begin to heal itself from the inside-out.

Your body is very smart. For many problems involving pain, all your body needs to heal itself is a freely functioning nerve system. The goal of chiropractic care is to enable such normal functioning.

1Smart KM, et al: The discriminative validity of "nociceptive," "peripheral neuropathic," and "central sensitization" as mechanisms-based classifications of musculoskeletal pain. Clin J Pain 27(8):655-653, 2011
2Arendt-Nielsen L, Graven-Nielsen T: Translational musculoskeletal pain research. Clin Rheumatol 25(2):209-226, 2011
3Casazza BA: Diagnosis and treatment of acute low back pain. Am Fam Physician 85(4):343-350, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 5 Reasons To Drink Lemon Water

Smoothies can be packed with protein; pre-workout energizers, hydrators, and post-workout recovery accelerators can deliver performance-enhancing nutrients; herbal teas can soothe or energize — all of these beverages have a functional purpose to meet specific wellness needs. And then there’s a less obvious, simple, blender-free drink that serves a mighty wellness-enhancing purpose. Providing more than just hydration, fresh lemon juice and water can deliver surprising benefits.
Starting every morning with a glass of warm lemon water is actually a ritual in Ayurveda or Yogic traditions, used to stimulate digestion for the day and clear the body of any toxins that may have settled in the digestive tract overnight. While it is tricky to apply the strict burden of evidence expected by Western science to traditional practices (often called “folk medicine”) that originated long before modern medical science standards were developed, research on the nutritional elements found in lemons suggests the numerous health benefits traditionally associated with drinking fresh lemon water daily may have merit.
We tend to reach for those warm beverages in the morning like coffee and tea, but try starting your day with some warm lemon water first to kick-start digestion. The water doesn’t always have to be warm, but it should be purified. Simply use half a fresh lemon per large glass of water or to taste and sip throughout the day. On a simple level, fresh lemons take plain old water up a notch. Here are 5 health benefits of drinking lemon water that elevate drinking it for reasons beyond just taste:
  1. Support immune function: Lemons are high in antioxidant vitamin C, known for its supportive role in healthy immune function1,2 which may reduce the risk of respiratory infection3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms4,5. Lemons also contain saponins6, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Last but not least, ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function7.
  2. Alkalize the body: Although the tartness of a lemon may make them seem acidic, lemons are actually one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.
  3. Aid digestion: Citrus flavonols8 are believed responsible for lemon’s traditional use as a digestive tonic. Believed to stimulate and purify the liver, lemon juice is traditionally understood to support digestive hydrochloric acid in the stomach further aiding digestion. Vitamin C status has been associated with reduced risk of peptic ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori9.
  4. Clear skin: Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons combat free radical damage. Free radical damage — especially as caused by UV exposure and environmental toxins — is responsible for many symptoms of aging. Antioxidant intake can help offset this damage, minimizing wrinkles. Further, lemon juice can be applied topically to scars and age spots to help reduce their appearance. Traditionally used as a liver stimulant, lemon water is also believed to help purge toxins from the blood, helping to keep skin clear of blemishes.
  5. Promote healing: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage10. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Side Effects of Splenda

We are all familiar with the little yellow packages of Splenda that promise to satisfy our sweet tooth without the extra calories and the carbohydrates. You may have used Splenda in place of aspartame and saccharine and the -now banned by the FDA- cyclamate because you know they are composed of dangerous chemicals. And Splenda is natural, right? Well, not quite.

“Splenda” is the commercial name used for sucralose. The manufacturers advertise Splenda as being more “natural” than other sweeteners, as the main substance, sucralose, comes from sugar. This is very misleading though, as it leads consumers to believe that sucralose comes from sugar the same way that cheese comes from milk.

The way that sucralose is produced is much more complicated, but to put it simply splenda is chlorinated sugar (chlorocarbon).  Other common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, and methylene chloride which are all poisonous!  Chlorine in numerous studies has been proven as toxic to our bodies and can accumulate in our systems over time.

The reason that a chemically altered molecule, like sucralose, can be threatening for our health if ingested, is the fact that our bodies are not made to recognize these substances and do not know how to properly deal with them. This is not the case with sugar (sucrose, lactose, fructose) that we have been ingesting for thousands of years.

So, What Are the Splenda Side Effects?

Sucralose accumulates very slowly and with habitual use. To make it more clear, if we eat something containing sucralose once, our body will manage to eventually get rid of sucralose. But if we ingest it every day, our body does not have enough time to deal with it.  A study showed that with a moderate consumption 96.7% of sucralose leaves our bodies, while high consumption the percentage falls to 92.8%.  This means chlorine is being stored in other areas of your body causing your cells to become toxic!

You may say, if it’s so dangerous, then why is it FDA approved?  (FYI, the FDA approves a lot of things that later are pulled off the market once enough people die like cyclamate and Vioxx).  The FDA points to over one hundred studies that claim sucralose is safe. The problem is these studies are typical, and usually conducted by companies who are financially invested in Splenda, and all were short term studies. One of the studies tests if Splenda causes teeth decay, for example, which is of course a serious issue, but not life threatening. The vast majority of the studies used rats, not humans and in very, very limited amounts.

What about the other studies though? The ones that show that in amounts of 500 mg/kg sucralose is hepatoxic and nephrotoxic, meaning that it causes damage to the liver and kidneys. Those studies are not taken seriously by the FDA, as the test subjects were -guess what- rats. And their defense mechanism are not considered adequate to simulate the human body’s response. The controversy of the FDA’s behavior here is of course obvious. It is a fact that the amount of sucralose used in these studies is very high, but it is chosen as they want to test the effects of accumulated sucralose in the human body after years of everyday use.

Apart from the liver and kidneys, a 2008 Duke University study found that Splenda alters the intestine flora as it destroys beneficial bacteria. This is a major problem because we need good bacteria also known as probiotics for a healthy immune system.

Many people report the side effects as resembling allergic reactions. The most commonly reported Splenda side effects are:
  • migraines
  • dizziness
  • intestinal cramping
  • rashes
  • acne
  • headaches
  • bloating
  • chest pain
  • tinnitus
  • gum bleeding
And the list goes on! Of course, it’s hard to pin point that Spenda was exclusively responsible for these side effects, but in the reports people claim that they felt better once they stopped using Splenda.

James Turner of “Citizens for Health” is fighting for the labeling of products containing Splenda, to give consumers a choice to avoid sucralose. There is a good reason for that, as even if someone chooses not to use Splenda in their beverages, it is used as an additive in so many low calorie and/or sugar free foods and prepackaged goods, that it is quite hard to avoid it.

What Sweetener to Use Instead of Splenda?
Concluding, Splenda does not have any long term research and we know by its chemical makeup that it is not good for you.  Too much chlorine in your system is toxic and there are healthier, natural sweeteners available today like Whole Leaf Stevia. I suggest you make the switch to Stevia or raw local honey to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way! I also recommend that if you have Splenda or other artificial sweeteners in your home or office, that you throw them away today!

Sources and Further Reading:
Mayo Clinic article on artificial sweeteners:
National Cancer Institute on artificial sweeteners and the link to cancer:
A complete guide to sweeteners by Brian Rigby
A blog with reports about “Splenda Sickness”
Info used from

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kidney Damage from Pain Relievers?

Careful! Even aspirin has a dangerous side effect!While the unintended deaths from high profile prescription drugs continue to make front-page news, there may be a far more dangerous drug problem lurking in your medicine cabinet.

Every day, millions of people take an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for quick, easy pain relief. Because these drugs are easily accessible, there is a dangerous misperception that they are risk-free. Problems can range from mild stomach upset to stomach bleeding and ulcers. This is because NSAIDs prevent prostaglandins from doing their job of protecting the lining of your stomach. NSAIDs also prevent the body's ability to stop bleeding.

Pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are the leading cause of stomach ulcers and may cause side effects including stomach bleeding, which can be life threatening.

Prostaglandins are also essential for the proper function of your kidneys. The elderly are especially susceptible to kidney damage from NSAID use. A recent study of 114 elderly men and women who had just begun taking ibuprofen, a popular NSAID, showed that 13% were experiencing reduced kidney function. When taken in high doses, NSAIDs can permanently damage your kidneys.

Before relying on a drug, stop in for a chiropractic adjustment. Side effects include improved energy, increased vitality and enhanced well-being!  Call us today, we can help!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Texting Can Be a Pain in the Neck - Literally‏!

As we all know, texting has become a very popular form of communication, especially for kids and young adults.

Frequent texting is causing a dramatic increase in headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain. The term used to describe these health conditions is Text Neck.
Below is a link to a short video from The Doctors TV Show about text neck and provides ways to prevent it. We even show you where you can go to get an App for your smartphone specifically for Text Neck. 


Please take a few minutes and visit this page and watch the video from The Doctors by clicking on the following link:
If you or your child is experiencing headaches, neck pain or shoulder pain from texting, computer or iPad use, please give us a call at (386) 492-4881 to schedule an appointment. We can help!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Facts About Fibroids

The good news about fibroid tumors is that they are rarely cancerous. The bad news is that they tend to develop during a woman’s peak reproductive years and they can affect your ability to become pregnant.
Fibroids are the most common type of tumor found in the pelvis and they are generally located in various spots in the uterus. Normally, you wouldn’t even be aware that you have them, unless they grow excessively large or cause discomfort. They rarely develop before the age of 20 and are non-existent before the onset of puberty, leading many experts to believe that they may be an adverse reaction to estrogen production. Generally, they shrink in size and in some cases can actually disappear in post-menopausal women who do not take estrogen supplements.
Pregnancy, a time when there is increased estrogen production, and the use of birth control pills that contain estrogen, may cause fibroids to grow more rapidly.
Most women with fibroid tumors experience no symptoms at all. When they do, they generally complain of pain and excessive bleeding during menstruation, which may not be noticeable at first. But then the woman’s periods may begin to last longer, and sometimes there is constant bleeding. Another symptom may be an enlarged stomach due to the stretching of the uterus that results in the intestines being pushed upward.
Fibroids are usually discovered during an annual gynecological examination when a mass may be detected. Many doctors will perform an ultrasound to properly diagnose the mass.
While hysterectomy was once the treatment of choice for fibroids, there are far less invasive alternatives. Some believe that fibroids are the result of certain trace mineral deficiencies, estrogen imbalance, inflammatory diet, obesity or the way we handle stress.
Our office has helped many women with fibroids, by restoring harmony to the nervous system through adjusting, nutritional guidance, and weight reduction.
Surgery and the use of pharmacological agents should always be the last resort for treating any health problem. Try natural, safer, less-invasive methods first!
Call us today to see if we can help you!   (386) 492-4881 or reach us at here!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Do I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

carpal_tunnel_syndrome_200.pngMany people believe they have carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The majority have been told by their medical doctor that they have CTS. Others have mistakenly concluded that because they have some numbness and tingling in their wrist or hand, they must have this neurological disorder. Still others have ongoing forearm, wrist, or hand pain (possibly localized to the thumb and/or index finger), and are led by articles they've read on the Internet to diagnose themselves with CTS. Almost all of this is in error.1,2

Why are so many diagnoses of this condition mistaken? The primary culprit is lazy clinical decision-making, compounded by a failure to understand correctly the workings of the musculoskeletal system. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a specific diagnosis which involves mechanical pressure on the median nerve as it passes through a small tunnel in the wrist created by tiny adjoining bones. There's not much room in this carpal tunnel and its dimensions can be narrowed further by inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Pregnancy can lead to CTS owing to increased fluid retention. Repetitive stress may lead to inflammation of tendons that cross the wrist. Such inflammation may lead to soft tissue swelling which compresses the carpal tunnel, causing CTS. Various other disorders should also be considered when CTS is suspected.

Importantly, CTS is not a catchall diagnosis to be used when a person has forearm, wrist, and/or hand pain. If a person really has CTS, he or she will have specific symptoms. The person will awaken at night owing to pain and/or numbness and tingling. Symptoms will be precisely located to the thumb and index finger (possibly involving the middle finger). Wrist pain may or may not be present. Also, the person will demonstrate a weakness of pinch grip involving the thumb and index finger. If these signs and symptoms are not present, the person does not have carpal tunnel syndrome. Usually, the diagnosis is clearcut and does not require special tests such as electromyography.

Remarkably, most physicians, regardless of specialty, are unaware of these important criteria. If the patient has pain and/or numbness in the hand, the patient has CTS. Case closed. This lack of sophistication leads to real harm done to the patient, such as unnecessary tests which waste time, cost a lot of money, and may result in damaging surgery which is not curative as it was directed at a problem that really wasn't there.

In marked contrast, chiropractors are highly trained in accurate analysis of musculoskeletal problems involving the shoulder, arm, and hand.3 When patients have symptoms mimicking those of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractors use their broad knowledge and experience to correctly evaluate the situation. For example, spinal dysfunction, muscle spasm, and trigger points can all cause symptoms which appear to be those of CTS. Chiropractors are able to see through this masquerade and effectively address the real underlying problems.
 Many musculoskeletal problems, including symptoms masquerading as carpal tunnel syndrome, are effectively managed by chiropractic care. The key, as always, lies in accurate evaluation of the cause of the patient's pain patterns.

To a very large extent, physical pain involving the spine, arms, and legs is related to mechanical joint dysfunction. There are exceptions, of course, including pain caused by a severe acute injury or an inflammatory condition such as ankylosing spondylitis. But in most cases, chiropractic care will provide a solution to a person's musculoskeletal pain, resulting in a reduction or even a resolution of the problem.
It's important to remember that most painful symptoms don't just happen on their own. Your chiropractor will do more than address the problem at hand. He or she may also help you design an effective exercise program and a healthful nutrition plan to optimize your health and well-being over the long-term.

1Ibrahim I, et al: Carpal tunnel syndrome. Review of the recent literature. Open Orthop J 6:69-75, 2012
2Uchiyama S, et al: Current concepts of carpal tunnel syndrome: pathophysiology, treatment, and evaluation. J Orthop Sci 15(1):1-13, 2010
3Bialosky JE, et al: Heightened pain sensitivity in individuals with signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome and the relationship to clinical outcomes following a manual therapy intervention. Man Ther 16(6):602-608, 2011

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pregnancy Related Pains

Pregnancy is a time of rapid physiological changes with the most dramatic being physical. Those physical changes are often associated with pain and discomfort. For those expecting mothers who do experience pain and discomfort, the primary location is in the region of the lower back, pelvic girdle and legs.

 A recent study conducted by the Spain National Health Service indicated that more than half of pregnant women experience low back pain (71%) and pelvic girdle pain (65%), and close to half (46%) experience leg pain. Results came from 61 clinicians across 5 regions in Spain consisting of 1158 pregnant women in their 31st through 38th week of pregnancy. Chiropractors have thorough training to assist with the physical pain and discomfort often associated with pregnancy.

There are a number of chiropractic techniques as well as exercise and stretching regimes that can be utilized to help reduce the pain and discomfort of pregnancy and keep the future mom on track for the big day. If you're an expecting mother experiencing those pregnancy related pains and discomfort, why not consider safe, natural chiropractic care.  If you know someone who is pregnant, please refer them to our office, so we can make a healthy difference for them and their baby!  (386) 492-4881

Source: Spine: 01 August 2012 - Volume 37 - Issue 17.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Statin Cholesterol Drugs Zap Your Energy!

    A study in the June 12, 2012 issue of the journal Archives of Internal Medicine reports that the cholesterol lowering statin drugs can leave users feeling drained and tired after exertion.

    Beatrice A. Golomb, MD, PhD, of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), and colleagues found that combined scores for change in energy and exertional fatigue worsened after patients started taking a statin compared to the group who did not take the drugs.

    The study included 1,016 men and women with low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol screened at 115 to 190 mg/dL, who were given 20 mg simvastatin, 40 mg pravastatin (Pravachol), or a placebo daily for 6 months. The participants had no cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
    Overall, 21% of participants felt more tired after exertion. Women, however, were particularly affected. As many as 40% of women taking Zocor felt more tired and fatigued during physical exertion as women not taking the drug. 

    "These findings are important, given the central relevance of energy and functional status to well-being," the researchers said.

Of concern was increased fatigue and tiredness had the effect of decreasing the amount of exercise people wanted or were able to do. Exercise has been shown to be very important in lowering cholesterol counts.

One of the best things you can do to combat the fatigue is to supplement with CoQ-10.  This is depleted in large amounts in the body when taking any statin drug, and needs to be replenished.  Recommended dosage for anyone on a statin drug should be no less than 200mg per day! Some of the benefits ot taking CoQ-10 include:
  •  producing more energy to be used by your cells
  • boost your heart and cardiovascular health
  • works as an anti-oxidant to protect against free radicals
  • help reduce signs of aging
  • provides a boost to your immune system
  • helps support your nervous system and an active mind

If you know someone who is taking a statin drug for their cholesterol, please have them call our office to speak with Dr. Phil about natural ways to help lower cholesterol, as well as supplements like CoQ-10 to help protect their body from the harmful side effects of cholesterol and statin drugs.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Smart Tips for a Healthy Back are honored to know that our patients consider us their first stop for treatment of their back pain.  Though we receive great satisfaction from helping our patients get back on their feet after an accident or injury, chiropractic treatments are just a portion of the service we provide.  We hate to see our patients suffer strains or pulled muscles while doing things they love, like gardening, tennis, or just tossing a ball with the kids in the backyard.  To help you enjoy life without back pain ruining your fun, we always take time to help you understand ways to protect your back from injury.  By following a few rules and developing some healthy habits, protecting your back is easy!

Healthy Back Tip #1: Warm up before you shape up!

One of the most common mistakes people make is neglecting to take time to warm up their muscles before strenuous activities.  When back muscles are not prepared for lifting, throwing or bending, it’s very easy to cause strain or injury that puts you on the sidelines and leaves you wincing.  Before sports or activities, like moving furniture or organizing the garage, take 5 minutes to warm up your back.  To make your exercises effective, consider the types of movement you might require of your back muscles and practice those movements gently to engage the muscles.  Will you be twisting and lifting?  Try side bends to warm up the muscles that support your spine.  Carrying heavy boxes?  Trunk rotations can limber up the lower back.  There are a variety of yoga exercises that can be performed while standing or lying down that help stretch and strengthen the back.  Learn more about yoga by trying a beginner’s class, researching yoga poses online or renting a yoga DVD.

Healthy Back Tip #2:  Practice Smart Lifting

Proper lifting technique isn’t just for weightlifters!  If you buy dog food in 40 pound bags at the warehouse store or lug baskets of laundry around the house, you, too, need to know to lift heavy loads correctly:
  • Bend your knees—This move protects the lower back and distributes weight to your leg muscles, which can handle a heavier load than your back can.
  • Keep heavy loads centered—Carrying laundry baskets on your hip might seem like the right thing to do, but that heavy load on one side of your body can cause spinal alignment issues.
  • Brace yourself—If you anticipate a day of heavy lifting, investing in a lightweight lower back support brace will help protect your lower back from overexertion. 
  • Cart it—Hand-truck carts and wheeled baskets can be your back’s best friend.  Keeping a small, collapsible cart in your car is great for transporting packages into the post office or getting that stack of sports drinks and snacks out to the ball field on game day.  Before you resort to carrying heavy loads, put safety first and load up a cart!  Check your local office supply store for a selection of inexpensive, sturdy carts or hand-trucks. 
Healthy Back Tip #3:  Stop if it hurts

Our bodies are constantly sending us messages about what they need.  Sudden back pain is a powerful message to stop what you are doing right away.  If you reach or bend and feel a twinge or pull, your body is telling you something just isn’t right.  Take a moment to consider why it hurts.  Should you have warmed up first?  Is the load too heavy for you?  Are you lifting properly?  Is there an easier, back-healthy way to accomplish the task?  Listen to your body and pay attention to its messages.  It will reward you with less sprains and strains!
Protecting your back from injury is an important part of a healthy life, and it is easy to do if you remember to warm up and practice safe movements that do not place unnecessary strain on your back muscles.  Keep your back strong with exercise and good posture.  Support your spine by strengthening your abdominal muscles and keeping your core strong.  Visit us for regular chiropractic adjustments, even when you are pain-free, to help keep your back healthy and ready for all the fun and adventure life has to offer!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5 Simple Exercises For Sculpted & Toned Legs

Are you self-conscious about your legs?

Do you dread the thought of wearing shorts-let alone a swimsuit?

Maybe you think your calves are too skinny or you hate that your thighs rub together and your buns jiggle when you walk.

Whatever you don't like about your legs, it isn't going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.

To sculpt and tone your legs, try the following five exercises two to three times a week and see the difference they make. You'll be showing off those legs in no time.

#1: The Lunge
Arguably the best leg exercise, the lunge works pretty much every leg muscle as well as your buttocks. There are many variations to the simple lunge, but to do the basic lunge, stand up straight and tighten your core.

Step forward several feet with your right foot, landing heel first. Bend your right and left leg down until both legs are bent at 90 degrees (never more) and your left knee is about an inch above the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't extend further than your toes. Keep your body upright and work to keep your balance by not wobbling from side to side. Lift your body up and bring your hips forward until you're standing straight again. Then repeat, lunging forward with your left foot.

#2: The Squat
Perhaps the second-best full-leg workout is the squat. This powerhouse of an exercise works your glutes, hips and thighs all in one shot.

Here's how to do a beginner's squat. Stand between two chairs (if needed for balance). Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, chest up, and core tight, squat down like you're going to sit in a chair. Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position, and then stand back up. Repeat without resting.

#3: The Mountain Climber
This leg exercise mimics the movement of climbing a steep mountain. The faster you climb (move your legs) the more of a cardio workout you'll get as well.

Get in a push-up position: hands and toes on the floor holding up your body. Holding in your abs, lift your right foot, bringing your right knee toward your chest. Tap the floor with your right foot then extend your leg back to starting position. Then lift your left leg, bring your left knee up toward your chest and tap the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20 repetitions.

#4: The Step-Up
Step-ups are great because they mimic movements you perform on a daily basis. This exercise works your legs and gets your heart pumping. When you do this exercise you can hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. In addition, you'll need some sort of step. This could be a bottom stair, sturdy box, or low stable chair.

Step up with your right foot, and then bring your left foot up. Step back down so both feet are on the floor. Then repeat, stepping up first with your left foot. Continue doing this 20 times.

#5: The Kettlebell Swing
This one is a winner.

Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart.  Lean forward at your waist slightly and bend your knees so as to go into a semi-squat. Keep your back arched and head facing forward steadily.  Try a light kettlebell first. Let you arms hang loosely and raise the weight with both hands over your head and inhale. Then, swing the weight with both hands in between the legs towards the back of you while exhaling. Move the kettlebell using power thrusts from the hip, thigh, and lower back muscles, powerful hip snap on every rep are musts. With heavier weights, inhale on the swing between your legs and exhale when you raise it above your head.

A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in healthy weight loss.

If you're ready to begin your body transformation then feel free to reach out to us. Email or call to get started today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chiropractic Proven to Help Debilitating Migraines

In the U.S., 30 million people suffer from debilitating migraines. Millions of these people also take over-the-counter and prescription painkillers for relief. Not only do these drugs have dangerous side effects, they do not address the root cause of the problem. However, several studies show that Chiropractic can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of migraines, and, sometimes, eliminate them completely.
The effects migraines have on one’s quality of life and productivity are astonishing: 91 percent of migraine sufferers can’t function normally during a migraine 70 percent have trouble with relationships because of migraines 59 percent miss family or social events due to migraines 51 percent say that migraines cut their work or school productivity in half 24 percent have had such severe pain they’ve gone to emergency rooms 25 percent have at least one migraine every week

To make matters worse, nearly 50 percent of migraine sufferers think they have something else wrong with them – tension headaches, sinus headaches, and so on. Consequently, they are never correctly diagnosed and never get the right treatment.

What can you do about migraines other than rest in bed or take drugs? According to several studies, you can visit your chiropractor.

One such study, a clinical trial conducted by chiropractor Dr. Peter Tuchin at Australia’s Macquarie University, worked with 123 migraine sufferers for six months. The participants had suffered from migraines for an average of 18 years. For two of the trial months, they received Chiropractic treatment. As a result of the treatment, seventy-two percent of the participants experienced either 'substantial' or 'noticeable' improvement.

Another trial found that the number of migraine attacks dropped by 90 percent for 22 percent of the participants. Nearly 50 percent of those involved in the trial also said that the pain of their migraines was significantly reduced.

Also, according to a review of 22 studies involving more than 2,600 patients with migraines, Chiropractic treatment is also a successful method of prevention.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from migraines, or other types of headaches that may have been misdiagnosed, consult your chiropractor to see how he or she can help you.

Sources: -, and
Medical News -;
Singer Health Reports -

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the U.S. If you or someone you know has CVD, or has high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, or any of the other factors that could lead to CVD, you have probably been told to exercise, reduce stress levels and avoid certain foods like sugar, white flours and junk food. Or you may have been prescribed drugs like statins. However, there are certain foods — known as ‘functional foods’ — that, in addition to the nutrients they supply, also specifically promote health or prevent disease in a certain part of the body. In the case of CVD, you still want to exercise and eat well, but there are also functional foods that may help prevent it, and may even help you avoid drugs.
Let’s just take one of the CVD risk factors: hypertension, high blood pressure.
Normal blood pressure is considered 120/80 or below. High blood pressure starts at 140/90. Between those you have a rating called prehypertension, which basically means that if you don’t do something to lower your blood pressure you could end up with full-blown hypertension — something you really want to avoid.
The risk level is much higher with hypertension than prehypertension, so getting your blood pressure under control now is a smart health move.
What functional foods help prehypertension? According to a recent study conducted at Florida State University, watermelon might be just what you need.
The study, though small, is very promising and is the first on human subjects. While the participants didn’t actually eat watermelon, they were given six grams daily of the amino acid L-citrulline/L-arginine from watermelon extract for six weeks. There were four men and five women, ages 51 to 57, and each were prehypertensive. All participants had positive results: improved arterial function and lowered blood pressure.
The real ‘active” ingredient, the one that’s making the difference, is the amino acid L-arginine. However, L-arginine taken on its own can be hard on the gastrointestinal system. The better option is another amino acid, L-citrulline, which converts to L-arginine once in the body.
Watermelon is loaded with L-citrulline, is well tolerated, has no side effects, and provides the added benefits of Vitamins A, B6 and C along with fiber, potassium and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
If you’re looking for natural solutions to protect your heart, give watermelon extract a try. It is available at local health food stores and online!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Safety!

Summer outdoor safety is important to discuss this time of year. Are you a weekend warrior? A seasoned pro? It doesn't matter when the thermometer starts to creep above 90 degrees, you're putting yourself at risk for heat related illnesses. Fluid replenishment before, during and after your activity is essential! Your body can generate 15-20 times the amount of heat it normally produces with hard physical work. Be aware of the "Signals" your body sends as it begins to heat up!!! Know when to quit playing. Always consume more water than you think you need to. Do not wait until you are thirsty. If you wait till then, your body is already dehydrated and is desperately needing water. Whenever possible, don’t plan sporting events between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.(the hottest times of the day). Wear light colored, well ventilated, loose fitting clothing. Those type of clothes will help your body be able to cool off more quickly. And, make sure that shade is close – or bring your own umbrella to rest under. Stay safe out there and enjoy your summer!

Have you found us on Facebook yet? We share valuable information on how to be happy and healthy as well as information related to a variety of health issues. Please follow this link, and "Like" us, and help us spread the word of the priceless value of chiropractic care!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Headaches and Chiropractic

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.

What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? There is a better alternative.

Research shows that spinal manipulation – the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.

A report released in 2001 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.

Also, a 1995 study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that spinal manipulative therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches and that those who ceased chiropractic treatment after four weeks experienced a sustained therapeutic benefit in contrast with those patients who received a commonly prescribed medication.

Headache Triggers

Headaches have many causes, or “triggers.” These may include foods, environmental stimuli (noises, lights, stress, etc.) and/or behaviors (insomnia, excessive exercise, blood sugar changes, etc.). About 5 percent of all headaches are warning signals caused by physical problems.

Ninety-five percent of headaches are primary headaches, such as tension, migraine, or cluster headaches. These types of headaches are not caused by disease. The headache itself is the primary concern.

“The greatest majority of primary headaches are associated with muscle tension in the neck,” says Dr. George B. McClelland, a doctor of chiropractic from Christiansburg, VA. “Today, Americans engage in more sedentary activities than they used to, and more hours are spent in one fixed position or posture. This can increase joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back and scalp, causing your head to ache.”

What Can You Do?

The ACA suggests the following:
  • If you spend a large amount of time in one fixed position, such as in front of a computer, on a sewing machine, typing or reading, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to one hour. The stretches should take your head and neck through a comfortable range of motion.
  • Low-impact exercise may help relieve the pain associated with primary headaches. However, if you are prone to dull, throbbing headaches, avoid heavy exercise. Engage in such activities as walking and low-impact aerobics.
  • Avoid teeth clenching. The upper teeth should never touch the lowers, except when swallowing. This results in stress at the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) – the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull – leading to TMJ irritation and a form of tension headaches.
  • Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches.
What Can a Doctor of Chiropractic Do?

Dr. McClelland says your doctor of chiropractic may do one or more of the following if you suffer from a primary headache:
  • Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.
  • Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins.
  • Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.
“Doctors of chiropractic undergo extensive training to help their patients in many ways – not just back pain,” says Dr. McClelland. “They know how tension in the spine relates to problems in other parts of the body, and they can take steps to relieve those problems.”

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's Wrong With My Back?

what_is_wrong_with_my_back_200.jpgNot all back problems are created equal. One person may have been working on a home improvement project and injured her back while simultaneously bending and twisting. Another person may have developed back pain as a result of a vehicular collision. Another person may be experiencing back pain as a result of osteoporosis. Yet another person may have a serious illness which causes back pain as a related problem.

Back pain is a problem common to many types of injuries and illnesses. How can you tell the difference - in other words, how can you tell when back pain requires you to take action, such as seeing your chiropractor? A reasonable approach is to use a 48-hour guideline. Your body usually has a powerful ability to heal itself. If your back pain hasn't gone away on its own within 48 hours, then seeking professional assistance is a very good plan.

However, some situations require immediate attention. For example, if you've had an accident, seeing your chiropractor right away is probably the right thing to do. In another scenario, if you begin to experience severe pain without an obvious cause, then seeing your chiropractor right away makes a great deal of sense. Like many things in life, having physical pain requires us to use good judgment. The 48-hour rule-of-thumb applies to most situations, but if you've had an accident or are having an unusual problem, see your chiropractor as soon as possible, today if necessary.

When a person has back pain, it's very important to make sure there are no related problems. Most of the time there aren't, but no one wants to be the exception and it's always better to be safe than sorry. Making your own diagnosis is never a good idea. "Oh, that's been bothering me for months," some people will say. "It's just back pain." Of course, such an approach to one's health violates the 48-hour rule. If the problem really wasn't anything much, it would have gone away within a few days. Something else is going on, and usually the longer a physical problem is left untreated the more difficult it is to deal with. The old expression, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is as true today as it was 100 years ago.

Your chiropractor is an expert in back pain. They know that physical pain happens for a reason.1,2 Their job is to discover that reason, using the tools of history taking, physical examination, biomechanical analysis, and special tests, if necessary, such as x-rays and other imaging methods. Most of the time, the underlying problem is mechanical in nature, involving the spinal joints and associated soft tissues, including the ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Such mechanical problems cause the vast majority of cases of back pain, and are directly addressed by chiropractic care.3 In unusual circumstances, your chiropractor will refer you to another specialist. The important approach in all situations is to seek appropriate care. Your chiropractor's office is the right place to start.
Most people now know the importance of exercise in daily life. The benefits of exercise range from improved strength, balance, and agility to deeper, more restful sleep, improved outlook on life, and heightened levels of creativity. Of course, there's also an additional direct benefit for persons with back pain.
Most cases of back pain are biomechanical in nature. In these circumstances, spinal joints have lost some mobility and spinal muscles have become tight. The long-term result is back pain, which may be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the biomechanical dysfunction. Chiropractic care is the specific treatment for problems involving the spinal joints and muscles. Exercise is an important addition to chiropractic care. When you perform challenging activities throughout a full range of motion, as you do when you exercise, you're retraining the joints and muscles of your back. By engaging in such activities on a regular basis, you're helping to restore spinal strength and mobility, enhancing the benefits you're receiving from chiropractic care.

Your chiropractor is an expert in rehabilitative exercise and will be glad to design an exercise program that will work for you.

1Bakker EW, et al: Spinal mechanical load as a risk factor for low back pain: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies. Spine 34(8):E281-E293, 2009
2Shambrook J, et al: Clinical presentation of low back pain and association with risk factors according to findings on magnetic resonance imaging. Pain 157(7):1659-1665, 2011
3Wilder DG, et al: Effect of spinal manipulation on sensorimotor functions in back pain patients: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 12:161, 2011

Monday, May 14, 2012

Low Back Pain - Don't Just Wait And See

A common mistake made by those suffering from low back pain (LBP) is to play the "wait and see" game. And while it is true that bouts of LBP can disappear on their own without care, what chiropractors know and what research indicates is that waiting too long prior to seeking care for LBP ultimately increases the odds that back pain will reoccur and that more aggressive future care will be required.

A recent study comparing those who received physical therapy care early during their acute LBP (less than 4 weeks after the start of their LBP) with those who received care later (more than 3 months after the start of their LBP) found benefits to obtaining care early on. Specifically, those obtaining care within the first 4 weeks of the onset of LBP had a significantly lower incidence of seeking future care for the initial pain. Future care included lumbar surgery, lumbosacral injections, and frequent physician office visits during the following year. The lesson - if you're suffering from back pain, contact your local chiropractor and get yourself checked out. Chiropractic care is safe, natural, effective and scheduling a no-obligation consultation is absolutely painless!

 Source: Spine: April 20, 2012 - Volume 37 - Issue 9.