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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 5 Reasons To Drink Lemon Water

Smoothies can be packed with protein; pre-workout energizers, hydrators, and post-workout recovery accelerators can deliver performance-enhancing nutrients; herbal teas can soothe or energize — all of these beverages have a functional purpose to meet specific wellness needs. And then there’s a less obvious, simple, blender-free drink that serves a mighty wellness-enhancing purpose. Providing more than just hydration, fresh lemon juice and water can deliver surprising benefits.
Starting every morning with a glass of warm lemon water is actually a ritual in Ayurveda or Yogic traditions, used to stimulate digestion for the day and clear the body of any toxins that may have settled in the digestive tract overnight. While it is tricky to apply the strict burden of evidence expected by Western science to traditional practices (often called “folk medicine”) that originated long before modern medical science standards were developed, research on the nutritional elements found in lemons suggests the numerous health benefits traditionally associated with drinking fresh lemon water daily may have merit.
We tend to reach for those warm beverages in the morning like coffee and tea, but try starting your day with some warm lemon water first to kick-start digestion. The water doesn’t always have to be warm, but it should be purified. Simply use half a fresh lemon per large glass of water or to taste and sip throughout the day. On a simple level, fresh lemons take plain old water up a notch. Here are 5 health benefits of drinking lemon water that elevate drinking it for reasons beyond just taste:
  1. Support immune function: Lemons are high in antioxidant vitamin C, known for its supportive role in healthy immune function1,2 which may reduce the risk of respiratory infection3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms4,5. Lemons also contain saponins6, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Last but not least, ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function7.
  2. Alkalize the body: Although the tartness of a lemon may make them seem acidic, lemons are actually one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.
  3. Aid digestion: Citrus flavonols8 are believed responsible for lemon’s traditional use as a digestive tonic. Believed to stimulate and purify the liver, lemon juice is traditionally understood to support digestive hydrochloric acid in the stomach further aiding digestion. Vitamin C status has been associated with reduced risk of peptic ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori9.
  4. Clear skin: Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons combat free radical damage. Free radical damage — especially as caused by UV exposure and environmental toxins — is responsible for many symptoms of aging. Antioxidant intake can help offset this damage, minimizing wrinkles. Further, lemon juice can be applied topically to scars and age spots to help reduce their appearance. Traditionally used as a liver stimulant, lemon water is also believed to help purge toxins from the blood, helping to keep skin clear of blemishes.
  5. Promote healing: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage10. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Side Effects of Splenda

We are all familiar with the little yellow packages of Splenda that promise to satisfy our sweet tooth without the extra calories and the carbohydrates. You may have used Splenda in place of aspartame and saccharine and the -now banned by the FDA- cyclamate because you know they are composed of dangerous chemicals. And Splenda is natural, right? Well, not quite.

“Splenda” is the commercial name used for sucralose. The manufacturers advertise Splenda as being more “natural” than other sweeteners, as the main substance, sucralose, comes from sugar. This is very misleading though, as it leads consumers to believe that sucralose comes from sugar the same way that cheese comes from milk.

The way that sucralose is produced is much more complicated, but to put it simply splenda is chlorinated sugar (chlorocarbon).  Other common chlorocarbons include carbon tetrachloride, and methylene chloride which are all poisonous!  Chlorine in numerous studies has been proven as toxic to our bodies and can accumulate in our systems over time.

The reason that a chemically altered molecule, like sucralose, can be threatening for our health if ingested, is the fact that our bodies are not made to recognize these substances and do not know how to properly deal with them. This is not the case with sugar (sucrose, lactose, fructose) that we have been ingesting for thousands of years.

So, What Are the Splenda Side Effects?

Sucralose accumulates very slowly and with habitual use. To make it more clear, if we eat something containing sucralose once, our body will manage to eventually get rid of sucralose. But if we ingest it every day, our body does not have enough time to deal with it.  A study showed that with a moderate consumption 96.7% of sucralose leaves our bodies, while high consumption the percentage falls to 92.8%.  This means chlorine is being stored in other areas of your body causing your cells to become toxic!

You may say, if it’s so dangerous, then why is it FDA approved?  (FYI, the FDA approves a lot of things that later are pulled off the market once enough people die like cyclamate and Vioxx).  The FDA points to over one hundred studies that claim sucralose is safe. The problem is these studies are typical, and usually conducted by companies who are financially invested in Splenda, and all were short term studies. One of the studies tests if Splenda causes teeth decay, for example, which is of course a serious issue, but not life threatening. The vast majority of the studies used rats, not humans and in very, very limited amounts.

What about the other studies though? The ones that show that in amounts of 500 mg/kg sucralose is hepatoxic and nephrotoxic, meaning that it causes damage to the liver and kidneys. Those studies are not taken seriously by the FDA, as the test subjects were -guess what- rats. And their defense mechanism are not considered adequate to simulate the human body’s response. The controversy of the FDA’s behavior here is of course obvious. It is a fact that the amount of sucralose used in these studies is very high, but it is chosen as they want to test the effects of accumulated sucralose in the human body after years of everyday use.

Apart from the liver and kidneys, a 2008 Duke University study found that Splenda alters the intestine flora as it destroys beneficial bacteria. This is a major problem because we need good bacteria also known as probiotics for a healthy immune system.

Many people report the side effects as resembling allergic reactions. The most commonly reported Splenda side effects are:
  • migraines
  • dizziness
  • intestinal cramping
  • rashes
  • acne
  • headaches
  • bloating
  • chest pain
  • tinnitus
  • gum bleeding
And the list goes on! Of course, it’s hard to pin point that Spenda was exclusively responsible for these side effects, but in the reports people claim that they felt better once they stopped using Splenda.

James Turner of “Citizens for Health” is fighting for the labeling of products containing Splenda, to give consumers a choice to avoid sucralose. There is a good reason for that, as even if someone chooses not to use Splenda in their beverages, it is used as an additive in so many low calorie and/or sugar free foods and prepackaged goods, that it is quite hard to avoid it.

What Sweetener to Use Instead of Splenda?
Concluding, Splenda does not have any long term research and we know by its chemical makeup that it is not good for you.  Too much chlorine in your system is toxic and there are healthier, natural sweeteners available today like Whole Leaf Stevia. I suggest you make the switch to Stevia or raw local honey to satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way! I also recommend that if you have Splenda or other artificial sweeteners in your home or office, that you throw them away today!

Sources and Further Reading:
Mayo Clinic article on artificial sweeteners:
National Cancer Institute on artificial sweeteners and the link to cancer:
A complete guide to sweeteners by Brian Rigby
A blog with reports about “Splenda Sickness”
Info used from

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kidney Damage from Pain Relievers?

Careful! Even aspirin has a dangerous side effect!While the unintended deaths from high profile prescription drugs continue to make front-page news, there may be a far more dangerous drug problem lurking in your medicine cabinet.

Every day, millions of people take an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for quick, easy pain relief. Because these drugs are easily accessible, there is a dangerous misperception that they are risk-free. Problems can range from mild stomach upset to stomach bleeding and ulcers. This is because NSAIDs prevent prostaglandins from doing their job of protecting the lining of your stomach. NSAIDs also prevent the body's ability to stop bleeding.

Pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen are the leading cause of stomach ulcers and may cause side effects including stomach bleeding, which can be life threatening.

Prostaglandins are also essential for the proper function of your kidneys. The elderly are especially susceptible to kidney damage from NSAID use. A recent study of 114 elderly men and women who had just begun taking ibuprofen, a popular NSAID, showed that 13% were experiencing reduced kidney function. When taken in high doses, NSAIDs can permanently damage your kidneys.

Before relying on a drug, stop in for a chiropractic adjustment. Side effects include improved energy, increased vitality and enhanced well-being!  Call us today, we can help!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Texting Can Be a Pain in the Neck - Literally‏!

As we all know, texting has become a very popular form of communication, especially for kids and young adults.

Frequent texting is causing a dramatic increase in headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain. The term used to describe these health conditions is Text Neck.
Below is a link to a short video from The Doctors TV Show about text neck and provides ways to prevent it. We even show you where you can go to get an App for your smartphone specifically for Text Neck. 


Please take a few minutes and visit this page and watch the video from The Doctors by clicking on the following link:
If you or your child is experiencing headaches, neck pain or shoulder pain from texting, computer or iPad use, please give us a call at (386) 492-4881 to schedule an appointment. We can help!