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Monday, August 27, 2012

Statin Cholesterol Drugs Zap Your Energy!

    A study in the June 12, 2012 issue of the journal Archives of Internal Medicine reports that the cholesterol lowering statin drugs can leave users feeling drained and tired after exertion.

    Beatrice A. Golomb, MD, PhD, of the University of California San Diego (UCSD), and colleagues found that combined scores for change in energy and exertional fatigue worsened after patients started taking a statin compared to the group who did not take the drugs.

    The study included 1,016 men and women with low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol screened at 115 to 190 mg/dL, who were given 20 mg simvastatin, 40 mg pravastatin (Pravachol), or a placebo daily for 6 months. The participants had no cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
    Overall, 21% of participants felt more tired after exertion. Women, however, were particularly affected. As many as 40% of women taking Zocor felt more tired and fatigued during physical exertion as women not taking the drug. 

    "These findings are important, given the central relevance of energy and functional status to well-being," the researchers said.

Of concern was increased fatigue and tiredness had the effect of decreasing the amount of exercise people wanted or were able to do. Exercise has been shown to be very important in lowering cholesterol counts.

One of the best things you can do to combat the fatigue is to supplement with CoQ-10.  This is depleted in large amounts in the body when taking any statin drug, and needs to be replenished.  Recommended dosage for anyone on a statin drug should be no less than 200mg per day! Some of the benefits ot taking CoQ-10 include:
  •  producing more energy to be used by your cells
  • boost your heart and cardiovascular health
  • works as an anti-oxidant to protect against free radicals
  • help reduce signs of aging
  • provides a boost to your immune system
  • helps support your nervous system and an active mind

If you know someone who is taking a statin drug for their cholesterol, please have them call our office to speak with Dr. Phil about natural ways to help lower cholesterol, as well as supplements like CoQ-10 to help protect their body from the harmful side effects of cholesterol and statin drugs.  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Smart Tips for a Healthy Back are honored to know that our patients consider us their first stop for treatment of their back pain.  Though we receive great satisfaction from helping our patients get back on their feet after an accident or injury, chiropractic treatments are just a portion of the service we provide.  We hate to see our patients suffer strains or pulled muscles while doing things they love, like gardening, tennis, or just tossing a ball with the kids in the backyard.  To help you enjoy life without back pain ruining your fun, we always take time to help you understand ways to protect your back from injury.  By following a few rules and developing some healthy habits, protecting your back is easy!

Healthy Back Tip #1: Warm up before you shape up!

One of the most common mistakes people make is neglecting to take time to warm up their muscles before strenuous activities.  When back muscles are not prepared for lifting, throwing or bending, it’s very easy to cause strain or injury that puts you on the sidelines and leaves you wincing.  Before sports or activities, like moving furniture or organizing the garage, take 5 minutes to warm up your back.  To make your exercises effective, consider the types of movement you might require of your back muscles and practice those movements gently to engage the muscles.  Will you be twisting and lifting?  Try side bends to warm up the muscles that support your spine.  Carrying heavy boxes?  Trunk rotations can limber up the lower back.  There are a variety of yoga exercises that can be performed while standing or lying down that help stretch and strengthen the back.  Learn more about yoga by trying a beginner’s class, researching yoga poses online or renting a yoga DVD.

Healthy Back Tip #2:  Practice Smart Lifting

Proper lifting technique isn’t just for weightlifters!  If you buy dog food in 40 pound bags at the warehouse store or lug baskets of laundry around the house, you, too, need to know to lift heavy loads correctly:
  • Bend your knees—This move protects the lower back and distributes weight to your leg muscles, which can handle a heavier load than your back can.
  • Keep heavy loads centered—Carrying laundry baskets on your hip might seem like the right thing to do, but that heavy load on one side of your body can cause spinal alignment issues.
  • Brace yourself—If you anticipate a day of heavy lifting, investing in a lightweight lower back support brace will help protect your lower back from overexertion. 
  • Cart it—Hand-truck carts and wheeled baskets can be your back’s best friend.  Keeping a small, collapsible cart in your car is great for transporting packages into the post office or getting that stack of sports drinks and snacks out to the ball field on game day.  Before you resort to carrying heavy loads, put safety first and load up a cart!  Check your local office supply store for a selection of inexpensive, sturdy carts or hand-trucks. 
Healthy Back Tip #3:  Stop if it hurts

Our bodies are constantly sending us messages about what they need.  Sudden back pain is a powerful message to stop what you are doing right away.  If you reach or bend and feel a twinge or pull, your body is telling you something just isn’t right.  Take a moment to consider why it hurts.  Should you have warmed up first?  Is the load too heavy for you?  Are you lifting properly?  Is there an easier, back-healthy way to accomplish the task?  Listen to your body and pay attention to its messages.  It will reward you with less sprains and strains!
Protecting your back from injury is an important part of a healthy life, and it is easy to do if you remember to warm up and practice safe movements that do not place unnecessary strain on your back muscles.  Keep your back strong with exercise and good posture.  Support your spine by strengthening your abdominal muscles and keeping your core strong.  Visit us for regular chiropractic adjustments, even when you are pain-free, to help keep your back healthy and ready for all the fun and adventure life has to offer!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5 Simple Exercises For Sculpted & Toned Legs

Are you self-conscious about your legs?

Do you dread the thought of wearing shorts-let alone a swimsuit?

Maybe you think your calves are too skinny or you hate that your thighs rub together and your buns jiggle when you walk.

Whatever you don't like about your legs, it isn't going to fix itself. So how can you fix it? Include strength training for your lower body in your regular routine.

To sculpt and tone your legs, try the following five exercises two to three times a week and see the difference they make. You'll be showing off those legs in no time.

#1: The Lunge
Arguably the best leg exercise, the lunge works pretty much every leg muscle as well as your buttocks. There are many variations to the simple lunge, but to do the basic lunge, stand up straight and tighten your core.

Step forward several feet with your right foot, landing heel first. Bend your right and left leg down until both legs are bent at 90 degrees (never more) and your left knee is about an inch above the floor. Make sure your knee doesn't extend further than your toes. Keep your body upright and work to keep your balance by not wobbling from side to side. Lift your body up and bring your hips forward until you're standing straight again. Then repeat, lunging forward with your left foot.

#2: The Squat
Perhaps the second-best full-leg workout is the squat. This powerhouse of an exercise works your glutes, hips and thighs all in one shot.

Here's how to do a beginner's squat. Stand between two chairs (if needed for balance). Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, chest up, and core tight, squat down like you're going to sit in a chair. Bend at the knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position, and then stand back up. Repeat without resting.

#3: The Mountain Climber
This leg exercise mimics the movement of climbing a steep mountain. The faster you climb (move your legs) the more of a cardio workout you'll get as well.

Get in a push-up position: hands and toes on the floor holding up your body. Holding in your abs, lift your right foot, bringing your right knee toward your chest. Tap the floor with your right foot then extend your leg back to starting position. Then lift your left leg, bring your left knee up toward your chest and tap the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat right, left, right, left for 20 repetitions.

#4: The Step-Up
Step-ups are great because they mimic movements you perform on a daily basis. This exercise works your legs and gets your heart pumping. When you do this exercise you can hold a dumbbell in each hand to increase resistance. In addition, you'll need some sort of step. This could be a bottom stair, sturdy box, or low stable chair.

Step up with your right foot, and then bring your left foot up. Step back down so both feet are on the floor. Then repeat, stepping up first with your left foot. Continue doing this 20 times.

#5: The Kettlebell Swing
This one is a winner.

Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart.  Lean forward at your waist slightly and bend your knees so as to go into a semi-squat. Keep your back arched and head facing forward steadily.  Try a light kettlebell first. Let you arms hang loosely and raise the weight with both hands over your head and inhale. Then, swing the weight with both hands in between the legs towards the back of you while exhaling. Move the kettlebell using power thrusts from the hip, thigh, and lower back muscles, powerful hip snap on every rep are musts. With heavier weights, inhale on the swing between your legs and exhale when you raise it above your head.

A solid strength training routine will tone your legs, lift your buns, strengthen your core, and will result in healthy weight loss.

If you're ready to begin your body transformation then feel free to reach out to us. Email or call to get started today.