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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The 10 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW (and for FREE) to Change Your Health and Save You Money.

1.       Throw Away Your VitaminsIf your vitamin contains synthetic ingredients…it’s crap, you’re better not taking any than taking one full of synthetics.  You have synthetics in your vitamin if you see ingredients with suffixes like: -acetate, -bitartrate, -chloride, -gluconate, -hydrochloride, -nitrite, or –succinate.  Get rid of it.

2.       Be the Mac Daddy or the Daddy Mac:  Jump, Jump!  Seriously, start jumping.  Movements that are explosive increase serotonin and dopamine, build bone density, increase growth hormone naturally, and decrease blood sugar.

3.       Don’t Worry, Be HappyDo you have a song stuck in your head now?  Good.  The more you concentrate on what you are thankful for, the more your body switches to a state of growth, healing, and repair.  I dare you to start a gratitude journal.  Each morning, write what you are thankful for.  It can be as simple as a fridge to keep your food cold.

4.       Be Like BozoRemember those old clown punching bags that were bottom heavy?  You would punch it and it would come back up?  Instead of sitting on a rigid chair all day at your desk, switch to an exercise ball.  It forces you to have good posture and build core stability.  Sitting to your spine is like sugar to your teeth, it rots it.  Just don’t get mad if someone calls you a clown.

5.        Hold Your BreathPractice taking deep breaths and holding it.  Have contests with your kids to see who can hold their breath the longest.  This will open up your diaphragm, clear your lungs, and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.  Try and exhale as slow as you can…room for another contest.  Inflating you lungs as large as possible on a  regular basis builds strength and endurance of your lungs.

6.       Walk Backwards on an Imaginary Tight Rope:  Try walking heel to toe with a 2 second pause before taking another step.  If this is easy, do it backwards.  The more you test your balance, the more you stimulate the cerebellum, the part of the brain that coordinates everything in your body, especially learning/concentration/memory.

7.       Play Dress Up With Your Alarm Clock:  Before you go to bed, cover your alarm clock with a hat, a scarf, or even a t-shirt.  The slightest glow can interrupt healing sleeping patterns.  Make your bedroom as dark as possible.

8.       Stop Watching Commercials:  Besides the obvious pharmaceutical commercial overload I want you to avoid, at the commercials of your programs, get up and do as many pushups as you can.  At the next commercial break do as many squats as you can.  You can also do jump roping, see #2.

9.       Act Like a Child:  Ever wonder why kids have so much energy?  It’s because they move around so much.  If you sit ALL day, you feel tired at the end of the day.  But if you get up and stretch and walk around, you feel energized.  Children have mucho energy because they are moving around to begin with and don’t stop until they are tired.  Don’t punish the child, act like him or her. 

10.    Eat Like an ElephantYou’re always going to eat, so eat as much as you want…if it’s what an elephant would eat.  What does an elephant eat?  He eats lots of plant based foods.  Go nuts on all the veggies and fruits and water you can stand.  The only bad part is that you don’t have someone else to feed and clean up after you, though you could pay someone to do that.